
The number of grants for college graduates has doubled in Almaty

- City of Almaty
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Experts discussed topical issues of training of workers. On the basis of the Almaty State College of New Technologies, the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Education Department of Almaty held a round table on the functioning of the sector's industry education cluster. Entrepreneurs and heads of colleges raised problems and suggested ways to solve them, in terms of introducing dual training, improving pay in the VET system, upgrading IPR skills, company mentors, graduate certification, etc. One of the problems raised by entrepreneurs concerned training in the higher education system.

"Production is in dire need of engineering personnel. The reason is the lack of training engineers in universities. The system of higher education conducts a mass graduation of bachelors from among graduates of schools. At the same time, in the branches there is a significant aging of engineering personnel. The business can’t receive a clear answer to the question "Who will come to replace them?" - said the President of the Association of Light Industry Industries of the Republic of Khudova Lubov Nikolaevna.

One way to solve this problem is to train personnel with a higher education on the basis of technical and vocational education, i.e. from among graduates of colleges. According to the employers' feedback, the level of professional preparedness of bachelors from among college graduates who are already specialists in the industry is significantly higher than from the number of high school graduates.

"It is necessary to increase at least 2 times the number of grants for college graduates, especially in technical, technological and agricultural specialties. At the same time, the term of training is reduced, the cost of the grant is reduced by 25%, the quality of training is increased. Secondly, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the "Standard Rules for Admission to Education in Education Organizations Implementing Higher Education Programs" that would enroll college graduates on a fee basis based on the results of independent certification of graduates' qualifications conducted by certification centers of industry associations included in the register of NCE RK.

This will create conditions for career growth of young people, including without interruption of production. In addition, it is necessary to urgently initiate the issue of creating a system for training engineering personnel in the light of world experience". - suggested the head of the department for the development of human capital of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty Vera Tzing.

At the end of the round table, the Almaty Fashion Theater of New Technologies was presented to the participants.

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