
Representatives of business and judicial structure of North Kazakhstan region agreed on cooperation

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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Together they intend to develop and strengthen institute of pre-trial and extrajudicial settlement of disputes. One of the points of the memorandum on mutual cooperation, signed by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR Turar Iskakov and the chairman of the regional court Erlan Aitzhanov, states that.

"Today we are signing an important document, which will further strengthen cooperation between regional courts and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. In general, we can say that our cooperation has already been established. The director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was elected to the Council for Interaction with the Courts under the Regional Court. Last week an online seminar was held with the Supreme Court on corporate disputes, which was held with the participation of representatives of the Chamber. I hope that our fruitful cooperation will continue, and the signing of the memorandum will give a new impetus to further active cooperation between the regional courts and entrepreneurs", - said the chairman of the regional court Erlan Aitzhanov in his welcoming speech.

Speaking about the importance of such cooperation for business, the director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Turar Iskakov, noted the need to ensure broad access to judicial information for representatives of business structures of the region, implementation of joint projects to develop and strengthen the institution of pre- and extra-judicial dispute resolution, promote media activities.

"Litigation is always a stress for business. In addition, small and medium-sized businesses do not always have the time and qualified specialists to defend their interests in court. We believe that going to court should be an extreme measure and the last resort. At first the lawyers of the Chamber took part in more than 50 trials, and this, as a rule, is not one-day cases and not one instance. In our opinion, an entrepreneur needs to seek an alternative or other way of settling a conflict before resorting to a court. That is, apply to the court only in the event that all possibilities are completely exhausted. We understand that the court is an independent branch of power. Also, we are well aware that the Chamber can not influence in some way the taken decisions. However, we can increase the level of business literacy in court cases and bring to the discussion the problematic issues that develop in the judicial practice", - Iskakov said.

Also, representatives of business expressed hope that mutual cooperation will be directed to joint activities on further improvement of legislation, organization of legal support for the protection of rights and legal interests of entrepreneurs in the consideration of court cases involving business entities and the formation of a positive image of entrepreneurs to the judicial system.

After that, the parties started signing a memorandum on mutual cooperation. By the way, as the judges themselves point out, the prospect of strengthening the institution of pre-trial and extrajudicial settlement of disputes only makes them happy. After all, the application of these procedures will relieve the already busy courts of the region.

"It is encouraging to note that entrepreneurs have begun to turn to alternative methods of dispute resolution with the involvement of mediators and lawyers. For 11 months of this year more than 600 cases have been completed with mediation. This suggests that entrepreneurs are ready to make extensive use of these procedures. I think that the signing of the meordandum will allow the business to use the institution of pre-judicial and extrajudicial regulation of disputed conflicts even more actively", - the chairman of the specialized inter-district economic court Baurzhan Zhaizhumanov summed up.

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