
There should be no barriers to energy supply of business

- Atyrau Region
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Changes in the legislation in the field of energy will facilitate business activity.

Henceforth, entrepreneurs do not need to obtain permits from architecture authorities to connect their business object to the power supply system. Also, there was no need to obtain a positive expert opinion, without which it was impossible to connect the facility to the power grid. Representatives of the Department of the Committee for Nuclear and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Atyrau region told about these and other important business changes in the energy sector during the regular meeting of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region. The meeting also discussed the problematic issues of entrepreneurs related to the electricity supply of business facilities.

During the meeting of the Board, the head of the Department of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Atyrau region Meiirbek Gubashev presented information on the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan of Measures to Improve the Indicators of the Doing Business Rating of the World Bank for 2016-2017. According to him, the quality of power supply and the availability of connection of business facilities to power grids are one of the indicators of this rating. In this regard, the relevant Ministry has made a number of changes in the legislation in the field of energy in order to facilitate business conditions when connecting to power supply systems.

Sarsenbay Zholdybayev, Acting Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region, noted positive dynamics towards reducing complaints from entrepreneurs related to energy supply issues.

"In 2015-2016 we had a lot of calls from business on energy supply. Basically, they concerned receiving technical conditions, high prices for connection to power networks, refusal to receive technical conditions due to the presence of high-voltage lines on the site. In 2017, no applications were received from us by the JSC "Atyrau-Zharyk". In 2016 the program "Doing Business" was approved by law. And, perhaps, the absence of complaints from business is the first results of this program", - the representative of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs underlined.

 A lot of questions business previously arose about the security zones of power grid facilities. Representatives of the Department of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Atyrau region told that in late October of this year the new Rules for the Establishment of Protected Areas for Electrical Network Facilities and Special Conditions for the Use of Land Plots Located within the Boundaries of Such Areas entered into force.  According to the amendments, the minimal territory of the guard zones of electric networks is reduced to two meters.

"I believe that all the announced changes in significance will facilitate the business. Entrepreneurs need to know about them. After 10 years ago there was a completely different situation. Now local businessmen have a lot of questions about the company "KazTransGasAimak". And we need to work on their solution", - said Alya Bekkuzhiyeva, chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region, who took part in the meeting.

Finally, the members of the Council decided to work together to inform entrepreneurs about all the changes in the legislation in the energy sector.

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