
Landscaping and lighting of the capital will be the function of entrepreneurs

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Akimat of Astana intends to implement a number of PPP projects in 2018

Speaking at a meeting with the business community of the capital Astana akim Aset Isekeshev said that in the near future the akimat plans to stage a competition for a number of large PPP projects. First of all, this is intellectual lighting. Already there are several potential participants, including foreign companies.

Also next year the akimat intends to transfer to private hands such two sectors as improvement and cleaning of the city. According to the akim, in Astana this is a large amount of work, which is still carried out by the utility companies.

"We would like 5-10 companies to appear in the city, which will effectively perform this work", - Asset Isekeshev said.

Another area where there are large resources is landscaping. Akim of Astana expressed hope that companies will appear in the capital who will be able to invest in competence and equipment. In return, the akimat will give them this type of services for 5-7 years. The akimat is also ready to transfer to the business the services for school meals and transport services.

"From next year, the akimat is piloting the use of taxis, that is, the refusal from cars. This may also be an opportunity for our automotive companies. We are interested in strong players. In the city there are several car parks, which do not yet have the capacity to fully take responsibility for themselves. We have the largest communal motor-vehicle pool, which we are also ready to hand over to a private car fleet", - the akim of the capital said.

At the same time the akimat is open for discussion of tariffs and conditions of the custody. In general, Aset Isekeshev noted that the Moscow authorities have many directions for joint implementation with the business. According to the assessment of the akimat, the volume of service contracts for SMEs in the capital can be up to 25 billion tenge per year, only the healthcare sector - about 10 billion tenge.

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