
Carriers of SKR are afraid to lose the worked out routes

- City of Shymkent
10156 просмотров

They complained about the problem during a public reception held at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs

It was attended by the heads of the Specialized Inter-District Economic Court, the Prosecutor's Office, the State Revenue Department, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Counteracting Corruption of the South Kazakhstan region. The applicants rendered legal advice and legal assistance, examined written and oral complaints of entrepreneurs.

The appeal of the chairman of the association of auto carriers "Yuzhavtotrans" Darhan Kayupov touched the interests of numerous transport companies, carrying out transportation on inner city routes. The department of passenger transport and highways of Akimat of Shymkent has given the association a draft letter, in which the association gives consent to the opening of a new LLP "Shymkent ECO Trans". What does it mean? The fact that with the creation of the Akimat of a new trucking company, private traders will lose their already existing routes.

general, the problem of auto carriers appears in Shymkent with an enviable regularity. Since 2013, the akimat of the city forces transport companies to sign contracts for the organization of regular transportation in essence with their bondage conditions. Despite the fact that the prosecutor's office of the region repeatedly sent the acts of the prosecutor's reaction, in the process still not standard, but conflicting treaties.

"The Akimat’s letter was made not only with errors, but also in violation of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Association has the right not to sign it", - explained Bauyrzhan Dikhanbayev, Chairman of the Specialized Inter-District Economic Court of South Kazakhstan region.

On this issue, it was decided to hold a dialogue meeting with the akim of the city with the participation of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan Region, the Association "Yuzhavtotrans", businessmen involved in the transportation of passengers and luggage in Shymkent and the Department of Passenger Transport and Highways. As the deputy director of the South Kazakhstan Chamber of Entrepreneurs Kairat Akenov noted, a meeting of the Regional Council with the participation of akim of the city of Shymkent will be held a few days ago, where the problems of road carriers will be announced.

Subsoil users complained about the suspension of their contracts. The reason is that in the territory of subsoil use appeared in the zone of water protection zones because of the riverbeds that have changed the direction of the rivers.

"I would like to get information from local authorities about finding red lines that will give a clear picture of where it is possible to work on subsoil use contracts, and where not", - said Baurzhan Alchibayev, chairman of the subsoil users association.

Interesting information was provided to all those present. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR conducted monitoring of step-by-step actions of entrepreneurs in obtaining a subsoil use contract and established: until the contract is signed, subsoil users spend one and half to two years. But their troubles are not limited to this: after the conclusion of the contract it can be found out that there is already another land user for the given withdrawal of subsoil use, there is a so-called overlay on the land plot.

"In October of this year, a resolution on the reservation of subsoil lands was created by the resolution of the regional akimat, therefore we propose raising the issues raised at the commission's meeting. And in general we ask subsoil users to work out their proposals and problem issues in their field and submit them to the Chamber", - the leadership of the Chamber stated.

Some questions of entrepreneurs were solved immediately, during a public reception. For example, the region's mills addressed the issue of providing assistance in obtaining a list of business entities from the Department of State Revenues for SKR. This list was sent by their central department to SRC of South Kazakhstan region, which subsequently became the basis for the audit of entrepreneurs. Repeated inquiries, including lawyer's, did not lead to anything. Representatives of SRC of SKR immediately promised that the list would be provided by them. And the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan Region and the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs Rights and Combating Corruption reassured that the implementation of this issue will be taken under control.


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