
Kyzylorda kindergardens have received a debt of 17.5 million tenge

- Kyzylorda Region
3165 просмотров

In October of this year, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region received a collective appeal from the founders of a number of pre-school institutions. It was found out that the city department of education did not provide financing for the month of August this year.

This problem required a long study, because it was necessary to hold several meetings with representatives of state bodies, entrepreneurs and find out all the circumstances of the case.
In the course of studying the problem, it was found out that 13 kindergartens did not receive a subsidy for the month of August for the following reasons.

In 2016, under the akimat of the city of Kyzylorda, a Public Council was created, which included leaders of public opinion in various spheres of public life. Members of this Council monitored the activities of all private kindergardens in the city, and as a result of which a number of shortcomings were identified. Based on the decision of the Council, the financing of the respective kindergartens was stopped.

The meetings organized on the premises of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs were held at a conflict level, as representatives of state bodies referred to the revealed violation, as a result of which a decision was made to suspend financing (some kindergardens do not comply with sanitary norms and standards), and the founders of kindergartens complained about the problems in the elimination of shortcomings.

ВWith regard to this issue, the opinion of the Chamber's lawyers was as follows: "The decision of the Council does not have legal force, i.e.the Council doesn't have any supervisory function . Therefore, the decision taken by the state body does not comply with the legislative norms".

However, the leadership of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, at a meeting with the participation of the founders of kindergardens and heads of relevant industries, urged business representatives to be more responsible in this matter. Of course, providing education services is one of the activities of entrepreneurship, but the health and safety of children should come first. For this, explanatory work was carried out with the participation of the public health department, specialists of the education department and entrepreneurs.

13 kindergardens, as a result of mediation of lawyers of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs between the education department and entrepreneurs, found a positive solution and the subsidies were fully paid.

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