
It is suggested to optimize the system of public services in Kazakhstan

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Translation into an electronic format and common approaches to the provision of services will eliminate the corruption component

On 21st of December  a conference was held in Astana on the topic "Quality of services - a zone of public control". Representatives of NCE RK "Atameken", deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK, representatives of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ministries and local executive bodies, international organizations, the public took part in the event.

Speaking at the meeting, Adilbek Mukashev, the director of the Department of State Services of ACSACA of RK, expressed the opinion that Kazakhstan needs to adopt a foreign approach to the provision of public services, both for the population and for business.

"You need to create a single notification service. Foreign experience shows that all appeals are centralized in one place, there is no disunity. We can successfully borrow this experience, "believes Adilbek Mukashev.

Separately, the participants spoke about the so-called "hidden" services, which are not provided in the CSCs, but directly in interaction with government officials. These services create the corruption component.

"Hidden" government services - this is the so-called "individual" approach, in other words - an unscrupulous civil servant can always manipulate and "adjust" the claims against the applicant. We need to constantly improve the regulatory framework, harmonize standards and regulations. Proposals for reforming public services come from everywhere today, and therefore we need to revise the very system of reforming services, so that the proposals that meet the needs of the service recipient are accepted", - said the representative of the Information Fund, Sergei Pizikov

The participants of the event emphasized that today it is necessary to strive for the transfer of public services into electronic format. The elimination of the human factor will not only save time, but will also allow to optimize the processes.

During the conference, the issues of improving the quality of public services, reengineering business processes, applying the best international practices in close cooperation with state organizations, the civil sector and the business community were also considered.

The main idea of the conference was the thesis about the need to revise the notion of "public service" and the transition from "procedural" orientation to the need of the service recipient.

The Conference was initiated by the Information Fund with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) is a non-governmental organization established in the region in 2005. EFCA mobilizes public and private resources, helping citizens to take an active part in building their own future by strengthening local communities and enhancing civil and economic well-being.

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