
Atameken energy committee set the goals for 2018

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Atameken held a meeting of its energy committee. During the meeting the members of the committee were listening to the report for 2017. Atameken deputy chairman of the board Eldos Ramazanov underlined that this is the year of ecology.

“I’d like to say that at other meetings of oil and gas, AGMP, constructions committees, during the discussion of plans for 2018 greater emphasis has been placed on the ecology issues. I suggest to discuss related ecological issues with these committees”- said Eldos Ramazanov.

The chairman of Kazakh Electrical Association Shaymerden Urazalinov said that it is important to understand the difference between the Act on the Environment and the Environmental Code. He also added that it is necessary to make significant amendments to the Code.

The participants of the meeting supported all the suggestions. They further discussed the plan for 2018. The expert in RES Dias Baysetov paid attention to the RES issues.

“Nowadays RES is considered as the solar and wind energy. Although in the act on RES there is a “thermal energy” definition. As consumers we all know that heating tariffs grow faster than electricity bills. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to reach the targets of 30-50% it is desirable to take into account also the thermal energy”- said Dias Baysetov.

Concerning the second issue of the agenda the executive secretary of the national chamber of entrepreneurs Kuanysh Baltabayev said about the priorities in electric power industry in the light of the Environmental Code reformation.

After some clarifying questions, it was the evaluation of results.

“Thank you for the work done. In the end of the meeting we will sign a protocol and send it to all the members of the Committee”- summarized Eldos Ramazanov.


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