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Chairman of the Presidium of the "Atameken" NCE RK took part in the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region. 

Opening the meeting, Timur Kulibayev noted the fruitful joint work of the Government and the NCE in matters of business support. 

"The government has finger on the pulse of the development of entrepreneurship in the country. National Chamber is grateful to the Government for active dialogue and effective support, not in words, but in deeds. Now the issue of developing the rural cooperative movement is being discussed. The government also allocates funds for this. We must back it up with training programs and financial resources. I hope for a successful and effective implementation," - Timur Kulibayev said. 

The results of cooperation between the National Chamber and the Mangistau region were also noted. This is exactly where many of Atameken initiatives were tested for the first time 

"The pilot project of "Bastau" on entrepreneurship training started here. Here we started the implementation of microfinance organizations under Atameken. Today we see positive results and good returns. Moreover, the return on MFOs is better than in commercial banks. It is the big companies, such as ERG, Almex, and Kazakhmys that initiated micro financing to small businesses. We are pleased with the result that we received today. This positive experience has spread throughout the country, now micro crediting functions even in the most remote regions," - Timur Kulibayev expressed his opinion.  

He noted that the Head of State studied carefully the results of work on the Bastau project and this year, on his instructions, additional money is allocated for micro-crediting of the participants of this project. In the next few years, according to Timur Kulibayev, the process will be seriously gaining momentum for a tangible growth of entrepreneurship in the country.

"Of course, people need to be trained before they start any business. In addition to the Bastau project, a special program on the basics of entrepreneurship and business for high school students has already been developed at the initiative of Atameken. Since September, its approbation will begin, and I think that such measures will help the graduates in choosing a future profession and it will be the impetus for involving the youth in business," - Timur Kulibayev believes. 

In the course of the meeting, the head of the National Chamber stressed that the Mangistau region has a huge tourist potential and business must take advantages of it. The Chairman of the Presidium proposed to create a regional tourism map jointly with the local authorities and to promote the region with its picturesque places both inside and outside the country.

"Aktau is one of the most beautiful cities in Kazakhstan; this should be used for the benefit of the region. We need to elaborate modern approaches for the development of mass tourism. If experts on history, ethnography, culture, marketers, and designers are actively involved in the process of competent serving and selling tourism, then we can talk about well-functioning mass tourism. It is necessary to provide high-level and qualitative accommodation, service, food and logistics. Business should take an active part in this is a very attractive and profitable business. Let's all carry out this work together, especially since the akimat supports this direction!", - the head of the National Chamber proposed. 

Timur Kulibayev recalled the instructions of the President on keeping a part of taxes from small and medium-size business in the regions, which will become a weighty motivation for the akimats and all state bodies in the development of entrepreneurship in the localities.  

"Budgets will be replenished, and these funds will make it possible to solve social tasks, that the regions are facing, as well as the tasks on developing the investment potential of the regions," - the Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE stated.  

At the same time he stressed the importance of the safety issue related to people's life and health and business responsibility. As an example, he cited the situation with a malfunction of elevators in multi-storey buildings and the last tragic incident in Aktobe, resulting in the death of a woman.  

"A strict control must be exercised where the question relates to people's health. Self-regulation should develop. Construction associations should develop a clear regulatory framework and monitor construction quality. Consumer protection societies should also be monitored, but unfortunately we do not have such active societies yet. We need a clear insurance mechanism, but it does not work either, and Atameken is struggling to implement it. After the situation in Kemerovo, we are reviewing our attitude to fire safety. The business has a lot of complaints about firefighting services. The National Chamber tries to avoid pressure on the business, but at the same time everyone understands that the control should be maintained. I stressed more than once that "Atameken" supports only conscientious businessmen, who comply with laws and regulations. We should focus on raising the effectiveness of state control," - Timur Kulibayev highlighted.  


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