
Business is strengthening accountability for the safety of elevator users

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A proposal to sign a memorandum of cooperation with KSK was made by the president of the ALE “Union of Lift operators” Nurlan Kenzhebaev.

The speaker noted that the companies included in the SRO, take responsibility for the lives of people and are ready for insurance.

“From the very beginning, the pilot project is aimed at increasing business responsibility. Against the background of the fall of elevators, their malfunction, it was decided to create self-regulation in the elevator industry. All violations that occur, directly affect the safety of the operation of elevator equipment, and therefore the safety of life and health of people, ”said Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Scientific Production Enterprise RK“ Atameken ”.

Cooperation with KSK will increase the responsibility and quality of the services provided, Rustam Zhursunov believes.

First Deputy Akim of Astana, Sergey Khoroshun stressed the importance of the memorandum.

“We should not shift responsibility to the tenants. We see the first positive results of the four-sided memorandum of mutual cooperation between the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of Astana, NPP RK Atameken and the ALE "Union of Liftovikov" signed in June of this year. I think that cooperation between KSK and the Union of liftovikov is a good continuation of cooperation and the successful implementation of an SRO. In turn, the control inspection is ready to provide information on how many complaints have been received to a particular elevator company. The task of the SRO is to create a pool of bona fide entrepreneurs, ”said Sergey Khoroshun.

Deputy mayor noted the need to work out a memorandum and conclude an agreement. The KSK chairs also supported the idea of cooperation. As part of the memorandum, the issue of tariff setting will be worked out.

It should be noted that 22 companies that have passed certification and comply with accepted SRO standards have entered the SRO. Nurlan Kenzhebaev emphasized that the national standard, developed jointly with the Ministry of Investment and Development, NPP RK "Atameken", provides strict rules for organizations-owners.

“Today we are considering the conditions of the three insurance companies. Also, the Union of liftovikov assumes financial responsibility for the elevators in the houses. If a member of our organization is guilty, then the material part will be restored by us, ”said the speaker.

Recall, on June 21, 2018, the Agreement on mutual cooperation to improve regulation in the service sector of the elevator industry was signed.

Within the framework of the signed memorandum for three months, experts examined 2400 elevators, with a service life from 6 to 12 years, produced at the factories of Belarus, China, Turkey, Italy, Finland, South Korea and Uzbekistan.

About 470 violations were recorded, including: roof leaks in the engine room, the lack of a ventilation system in the engine room, the absence of a dispatcher connection and others.

Summarizing, Rustam Zhursunov made a wish to scale the experience of the elevator industry throughout the country. The chairmen of KSK and SRO agreed on further cooperation and interaction on the maintenance of elevator facilities.

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