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The first land auction held in October last year on the portal of land resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

This website was developed within the framework of the State program “Digital Kazakhstan”, it significantly reduces the time, simplifies the procedure for land titling for business. E-Tenderings are held in the form of auctions and tenders.

Auctions were held in four districts. Businessmen acquired lease rights for 103 land plots. 33% of the 18 auctions were held in electronic format.

“Earlier if we had asked for a land plot for a store, we were given it somewhere in abandoned and inconvenient places. We wrote a statement and refused to get it. Now it has become very convenient: we go to the website, see where this land plot is located and if we wish we may participate in the auction,” Nassima Ishkulova, the entrepreneur, said.

Any businessman, interested in purchasing land for various commercial purposes, may go to the website and easily register himself there. The certified electronic signature is required to participate in e-Tendering. Then everything happens the same way as it does at the regular auctions. The bidders raise bids, according to the results of the auction the winner of the auction is determined,” Zhumatay Ashikbayev, deputy head of the Land Relations Department of WKR, said.

Agricultural land is provided within the framework of tenders. They have already been carried out on 296 land plots with a total area of 194 thousand hectares. 15% of all tenders accounts for online bidding. The farmers of Burlinsky, Kaztalovsky and Taskalinsky districts were able to acquire agricultural land through online auction.

“According to the law, a land plot with an estimated area will be auctioned off if the local executive body carries out land survey work. Documents from applicants are accepted in electronic form, that is, the applicant does not go to the local executive body. Subsequently, after the submission of these documents, the members of the commission consider them. According to the results of the competition, they made decisions,” Zhumatay Ashikbayev said.

According to experts, e-Tendering is a simple procedure.

“The availability of the land titling procedure is one of the main issues for business entities. I think e-Tendering will simplify the procedure for obtaining land plots, as well as minimize corruption risks,” Erbol Idenov, director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of WKR, said.

Нужно отметить, что уже в этом месяце электронные торги пройдут в Акжаикском, Теректинском, Зелёновском районах и городе Уральск. Опытом проведения онлайн-торгов в ЗКО заинтересовались в Алматы, Мангистауской области и других регионах страны.

It is planned to develop the National Geographic Information System, which will display information about all land plots in the country. The Department of Land Relations of WKR intends to develop the geoportal of West Kazakhstan region in order to create a cartographic database.The cartographic database will show in graphic available land plots, their area and purpose of usage.

It should be noted that e-Tendering is going to be held in Akzhaiksky, Terektinsky, Zelionovsky districts and the city of Uralsk this month.

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