
How can businessmen initiate amendments to laws?

- City of Almaty
6677 просмотров

The participants of the XIV Kazakhstan Corporate Lawyers Forum discussed the way the entrepreneurs can participate in the development of laws and amendments to them, as well as initiate amendments.

Almaty hosts the traditional meeting of the top specialists working in the legal sphere on November 7-8. It brought together the most respected lawyers and experts in the field of law, representatives of business, government agencies and consulting companies to exchange experiences and recommendations on all aspects of corporate law, discuss trends and innovations, problems and practical cases.

The Forum brought together more than 200 corporate lawyers from national, international and Kazakh leading companies of oil and gas, metallurgical, banking, construction, transport and other business sectors and speakers - leading experts in the field of law, including representatives of the authorities, the judicial system, non-governmental sector, business, and others.

The programme of the event includes 27 plenary sessions, parallel thematic sessions, panel discussions, and masterclasses. The focus is on trends and planned changes in legislation, practical cases of litigation and arbitration, corporate law, antitrust regulation, compliance and mediation, labor law, finance and banking, retail, trade, e-commerce and IT.

One of the speakers of the event is Laura Mersalimova, Managing Director/Director of the Department of Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of the Atameken NCE RK.

"As for the improvement of legislation, the main instrument of Atameken is the issuance of expert opinions on draft regulatory legal acts that affect the interests of entrepreneurs. We actively participate in the development and promotion of draft laws at all its stages, including our active participation in the Parliament. To date, we have issued more than 29,000 expert opinions on draft regulatory legal acts. We are focused on joint work with the state authorities, thanks to this the percentage of our proposals and comments has increased significantly from 30% in 2015 to 73% this year," Laura Mersalimova said.

She called on the lawyers to work together to improve the legislation.

"We have a "Business and Law" page on our website, which is a project that we are implementing together with Best Profi. Here you can find all the draft laws that are currently being developed, considered by the Parliament. You can read their summaries, make suggestions on how to improve the projects, find out what bills are being considered in the Mazhilis. The website has contact details of Atameken employees, you can contact them, leave comments and ask questions," she said.

Duman Suleimenov, Deputy Director of the Department of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, invited lawyers to actively participate in the development of the Administrative Procedure Code.

According to him, the Code, for example, stipulates the principle of priority of rights, which will oblige the court to interpret all doubts, contradictions and ambiguities of legislation in favor of citizens.

"Now the Code is in Parliament, the active work is being carried out, I urge business representatives to join this work, to take part in the working groups," he said.

"The Forum has become a platform for discussion of legal processes taking place in the country, and an event that determines the key trends in the legal sphere. Within the framework of the forum, we organize sectoral sections on legal issues, where lawyers work on the improvement of legislation and initiate creation of sectoral committees. During the year, the committees have been successfully functioning. Proposals to optimize legislation are discussed and processed and then implemented jointly with the Atameken Scientific and Production Association and the Kazakhstan Bar Association Chamber of Legal Advisors," Elnura Kassymova, Director of the Organizational Council and founder of the Eurasian School of Business and Entrepreneurship, said.

The unique event of the forum will be the launch of Kazakhstan's first mobile legal community, Kazakhstan Legal Community, where participants will be able to communicate with more than 500 colleagues and experts from all over Kazakhstan, discuss trends and cases, participate in the work of industry committees at KazBar, obtain legal expertise in law and economic sectors, etc.


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