
Entrepreneurs have started training on the project "One village - one product" for the development of small and medium business in rural area

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Expert from Japan shared his experience of developing small and medium business in rural area during a three-day online training within the project "One Village-one Product" (OVOP).

During the training, the head of the JICA OVOP project in Kyrgyzstan, Haraguchi Akihisa, informed about the methods of producing goods using available local resources, using the "One village-one Product" approach, techniques for product promotion and quality control, branding, as well as the history of the OVOP movement in Kyrgyzstan.

The training is held with the participation of representatives of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan (UNDP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Regional Councils of Businesswomen, local JICA office (Japan International Cooperation Agency), as well as leaders of the initiative groups of the OVOP project.

The main task of the project is to involve rural residents in business and start the necessary production facilities. Kazakhstan's OVOP model in the pilot mode will be based on identifying the most promising projects in the regions and embedding the added values of local SMEs into existing production chains: peasant farms, manufacturing enterprises.

In Kazakhstan, the project "One village - one product" was launched on November 12, 2021 and is being implemented in pilot mode in 4 regions of the country: Zhambyl, West-Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Mangystau regions within the project "Solidarity Fund for Kazakhstan in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic", implemented by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan with technical and financial support of the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan

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