
JULY: Business in female hands

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On 1st of July in Astana was held the First Congress of the Council of Business Women of Kazakhstan NCE RK "Atameken"

The Council of Business Women NCE RK "Atameken" was established in the spring of this year, it is headed by the Head of the Secretariat of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova.

Regional structures have appeared in all areas of the country. Regional branches are headed by successful business women of each region, many of whom work in the financial sector, which, in general, is quite natural. Businesswomen know how to count every penny and have a very balanced approach to the creation of their own business.

It is worth noting that Kazakh women are succeeding in such spheres, which are considered to be purely masculine ones, as a business, and they do it with success.

The outcome of the I Congress defined the strategy and the main activities of the Council for the further development of women's entrepreneurship in the country.

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