
Shines all the time shines everywhere!

- Pavlodar Region
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Products of the Pavlodar enterprise, which produces lamps, are known not only in Kazakhstan but also in neighboring countries

Last December, at the ceremony of the Republican contest "Altyn sapa" the research and production company "Light" from Pavlodar region was awarded with a special prize of NCE RK "Atameken" - "Іsker" in the nomination "The best goods for the population".

The director of RPC "Light" Vitaly Mikheev tells us about the success of the enterprise, on why the company decided to participate in the prestigious competition.

- Vitaly Yurevich, how important was it for you to take part in the national contest "Altyn sapa"?

- Our products are well known at the markets of Kazakhstan and Russia. And so, when the Chamber of entrepreneurs invited us to participate in the regional competition "Best Product of Kazakhstan", we decided to try.

We were among 28 Pavlodar enterprises, which participated in the regional competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan". The competition was held in three categories: best industrial goods, the best products for the public, the best food. And it was very nice when the competition committee praised our lighting equipment. Lamps are unique as they work at any climate, having affordable cost, at the lowest power consumption they can cover a large area.

Our products were highly appreciated by the residents of different parts of Kazakhstan. The consumers are especially interested in our lamps in vandal-proof housing for use at stairwells inside apartment complexes. Thanks to the unique design they can’t be dismantled or broken without special tools. And one of the attractive points is its low power consumption - 14 watts when they shine as lamps with the consumption of 80 watts.

- How did the qualifying stage of the competition pass in Astana?

- When we were invited to Astana, until last moment I thought it was just for a bog crowd. I believed that without the necessary acquaintances you can’t count on such a high recognition in the competition. Upon arrival in Astana, I got a call from a radio FM and radio Astana, they were asking to give a live interview. Then I realized that people are interested in what I'm doing, what I produce. Such things give you confidence.

The competition attracted more than 140 companies from all over Kazakhstan. The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Kulibayev carefully examined the products, asked the benefits of our product. I told him about our developments, but could not assume that our company will be one of 10, will be among the best companies of Kazakhstan!

The award was presented to me by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev. After the ceremony came the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, he congratulated us and asked to continue the active work at the same scale. He said that the country is proud of Kazakhstani producers, entrepreneurs, who have chosen correctly the direction for the business and the society. Of course, these words enforce confidence that we are moving in the right direction. How many obstacles we had on our way, how many times we had to struggle with "windmills", but it all faded away after receipt of the award, such a success.

- Vitaly Yurevich, you have managed to create quality and marketable products. What is the secret of your success?

- Here's how to describe what success is ... First of all, it is a constant work with clients not on the level of a simple manager, but a complete control of all the processes and participation in it. Continuous improvement of products at every stage, with observation of all the requirements of the customers. To be always at the forefront, that is, if you need to walk or to drive, you have to do it. Personal meetings give more results than the simple calls. Do not shift to the manager or a deputy the key meetings.

- Were your expectations met during the competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan"?

- Receiving a prestigious award is a huge incentive to go further, it is a certain point beyond which you can see that the horizon is still far away. After all, there is no limit to perfection. To get recognition, of which I couldn’t even dream, it gives strength in the first place. It is understanding that you do something not in vain. Before all these there were conducted countless meetings. I had to knock on hundreds of doors. Of course, not all would open for us, but we declared about our existence. Some people believed in me, some laughed at me, saying: go bake bread, you will be more useful, because the product is not an everyday item, it is not a necessity. But our work has shown: we managed to prove to the majority that it is impossible to move forward without good quality and inexpensive lighting. We had to make bold steps, about which they don’t write in books. And it is very important that all this time I had family support, understanding, and faith in what I was doing.

- Did the prestigious award facilitate promotion of your products?

- Customers from all over Kazakhstan became interested in our products. And during the reporting meeting of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region Kanat Bozumbayev head of the region thanked us for being engaged in the implementation of new technologies, energy savings, and offered to conclude an agreement on PPP on provision of lightning equipment for Pavlodar, Ekibastuz, Aksu. Currently, we are working on this issue together with the regional Akimat and the Chamber of entrepreneurs.

Just the other day I went to Belarus, where I was offered to open an office.

The fact that we have received the official recognition inspires confidence. Certainly, this has been achieved thanks to the fact that we have been for so many years on the market of LED products, we have gained experience. Our professional approach is appreciated by customers, our order backlog is growing. Therefore, we got proposals for public-private partnership.

- What forms of cooperation do you offer entrepreneurs?

- For any business owner, we are ready to offer good quality LED equipment at an inexpensive price. Even if our lighting equipment is more expensive than ordinary light bulbs, but it quickly pays for itself. And the warranty period is 3 years, we give, it allows you not to spend more on electricity, for replacement of defective lamps, as it is happening now.

For us there are no "unimportant customers", every client is important for us. We apply an individual approach to each. We never offer more than you need to, we do not impose unnecessary things. We do not pursue short-term profit target to sell as much as possible. There are state standards, construction rules and regulations, there is a customer need. Because we have farsighted plans. In the current economic environment, we do not expect huge profits. The main thing for us is to save the team, to ensure consistent wages. I am sure that together we will overcome all the difficulties of the period.

- What would you wish to colleagues - entrepreneurs in the coming year?

- We wish to our colleagues never to stop, to keep pace with the times. Personally, I clearly know now that the most incredible dream is achievable if you put a lot of energy in a favorite business. Proof of this is my high award. I am proud that we contribute to the prosperity of the country. I would like to thank the Head of State and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" for the support given to us. Thanks to everyone who believed in us. You can spend a lot of money on advertising, but without the support of the state, without forming an opinion of the majority of people it is impossible to achieve such a result.

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