
Business woman meet in Astana

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On June 1, the capital will host the II Congress of the Council of Business Women of NCE RK "Kazakhstan - new opportunities"

Gulshara Abdykalikova, Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the National Commission for Women Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will participate in the forum of Business Women.

At the Congress of the Council of Business Women will be discussed the role of women and the potential of women's entrepreneurship in the development of Kazakhstan's economy, they will talk about the new initiatives of local businesswomen, as well as about the possibilities and perspectives of women's entrepreneurship.

As it was noted by the Chairman of the Council of Business Women NCE RK "Atameken" Lazzat Ramazanova, during the years of work, there were established 16 regional Councils Business Women, which are headed by successful business women. Similar Councils are created in district centers. About 700 women entrepreneurs are their members. Economic activity is increasing in all regions.  There is a trend of increase of enterprises headed by women.

"Atameken" actively supports and promotes entrepreneurship. In each region, there were created centers for servicing entrepreneurs and business support centers to provide service support and information support to business. In the past year NCE has provided service support to more than 35,000 businesses, of which more than half are women. Over five thousand women undergone training within the project "Business School", as a result of which there set about 140 startups - said L. Ramazanova.

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