
Altyn Sapa "Strive to succeed!"

- City of Shymkent
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- Deputy director of the Employment Department of NCE RK Saltanat Abdikarimova encouraged the businessmen of South Kazakhstan

At the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR she held a training seminar on the evaluation criteria of the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the Republican contest-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan". Saltanat Abdikarimova explained the procedure and the rules for representatives of organizations, wishing to participate in the competitions.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the production of goods and provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan can apply for the award. The exception are companies that produce military equipment, organizations in which the Government holds more than 50% of shares, as well as businesses that undergo rehabilitation procedures and bankruptcy.

To become a winner of "Altyn Sapa", it is not enough to show only the high volume of production, it is necessary to demonstrate the company’s performance in different areas: quality indicators, data on customer satisfaction, business trends, innovation, development strategy, cost-effective use of resources, HR policy, social programs on community development, environmental protection measures and others.

It was reminded to the attendees of the workshop that the prize of the President of Kazakhstan is awarded in three categories: "Best Enterprise for production purposes", "The best enterprise producing goods for the population" and "Best provider of services". Three prizes are awarded in each category: the subject of small business, the subject of medium business and the subject of large business. Contestants must submit materials to the organizer of the competition in accordance with the rules of registration, submission and preliminary expert evaluation of materials in the competition.

Achievements are measured taking into account what has been made in the field of quality and to what strives the company at the moment. Grades are issued in points, then they are summed. A necessary condition for participation is the availability of the management system, and the audit of the business should be based on three years of data.

Since last year, the organization of "Altyn Sapa" is assigned to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". Changing the organizer has led to the fact that the composition of the commission has changed fundamentally. Previously, it mainly consisted of representatives of state bodies, but now it includes heads of industry associations. The experts, who select the best companies, have extensive experience in different business areas.

 "Altyn Sapa" – is an opportunity to promote your company, - said Saltanat Abdikarimova. - It is an opportunity to test a company for compliance with quality standards and to gain valuable experience in comparison to other leading companies of the country. In addition, the winners of the quality contests obtain the leader's image, reputation as a reliable producer of high-quality competitive products and services that contributes to attraction of new partners and customers, maintenance and increase of the current share of the market, leading to higher profits and thus opens up new business opportunities.

The official companion of "Altyn Sapa" is an exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan". The main objective of this event is to promote the products “Made in Kazakhstan” and the transition of domestic producers to international standards. The contest-exhibition has three nominations: "The best industrial goods", "The best goods for the population", and "Best food products". The selection of the best goes in two stages. First regional exhibitions are organized, by the results of which 9 winners from each region come to the final in the capital. This is where they choose winners of the Republican contest-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" and award diplomas of I, II and III degree within each nomination. Companies should clearly understand what parameters are important to determine the winner.

The attendees noted the high level of information content of the seminar and its good organization. At the end of the event the participants received certificates.

Saltanat Abdikarimova wished entrepreneurs strive to succeed and be recognized as the best in their field, to actively participate in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and expressed confidence that at the national competition the businessmen of South Kazakhstan will be among the winners and will receive a prize from the hands of the Head of state N.A. Nazarbayev.

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