
Hobby becomes a business

- Zhambyl Region
11859 просмотров

A resident of Taraz Kuralay Auelbekova started her business while being on a maternity leave

Her handmade blankets were highly appreciated by the guests, who became her first customers. This year, the businesswoman decided to exhibit her products to the jury, taking part in the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan".

- Tell us, please, how did you get the idea to start a business?

- Our company is officially open from June, 2014. But sewing has always been a hobby of mine. I sewed trousseau for my sisters-in-law. When we moved into a new house, too, I decided to make a contribution, and sewed new blankets for guests. And they were so pleased, that everyone who came to the new house place an order for one. At that time I just was on maternity leave, and I thought, why not to sew? And it was not nice to refuse to the distinguished guests. Seeing this, my husband suggested that I open the business. The first time, my customers were my relatives. Many thanks to them! They supported me, made me believe in myself! Today it is not just a hobby, but a business, which actively develops. We have our own customer base and, most importantly, there is trust! The best advertising - is our quality, in fact, buying one of our products, and then they bring their relatives and acquaintances. Today we receive orders from different parts of Kazakhstan.

- Tell us about the product: what's your range?

- We produce all kinds of products trousseau for brides. Blankets remain the main and our favorite creation. We also sew double blankets, Makhabbat korpe, korzhyn, shymyldyk etc.

- In your opinion, what is the main advantage of your IE?

- First, as I said, we focus on high quality products. Second, we use the original design: try not to repeat the products of competitors, and, most importantly, skillfully combine traditional motifs, designs with a modern touch.

- Tell us about your employees. How many people do you employee, did you train them?

- There are six employees in our company, not counting me. These are four-masters and two assistants. When came the experienced masters, I saw no point in training newcomers, of course, we teach each other. Wages - 30 to 60 thousand tenge, depending on qualifications. We all work as a big happy family.

- How often you take part in various competitions? Did you win any?

- I like to participate in competitions. For example, in April of this year I placed my goods on the test site of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs within the frames of the project “UMAI”. Our young team does not have awards at the moment, but I'm sure there will be some in the future!

- How do you assess the competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan"? What does it give your business? What are your expectations?

- This competition-exhibition is of great importance for the business as a whole, including me. This is a good step towards the further development and prosperity. It will help us to become a strong team, to win even greater trust of customers and to become more confident.

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