
In Almaty were selected the best companies of the year

- City of Almaty
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The Akim welcomed the winners of the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan"

In Almaty was held the most anticipated event of the year – the selection of the winners of the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016". The award ceremony was attended by Akim of Almaty Baurzhan Baibek and Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

"The award" The Best Product of Kazakhstan" – is a high valuation of the company, a kind of seal of quality you can trust. And today in this hall gathered the best of the best, those companies that are the flagships of the industry and the elite of Kazakhstani business. I wish you a worthy victory in the republican stage of the competition in Astana, and further successes in the business", - said Almaty Akim Bauyrzhan Baibek.

"In 2016, there were a lot people, wanting to compete for the title of best producer. 83 Almaty companies submitted applications for participation in the tender. Half of them, and, to be more precise, 44 companies operate in the sphere of small business. They are engaged in various industries, such as machinery, construction materials, food, light industry and pharmaceutical industry", - said in his welcoming speech, the Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

The main intrigue of the competition is the fact that there were 10 winners, not 9. The third place in the nomination "The best industrial goods" shared LLP "Almaty lift" and LLP "Kazmet Almaty". All 10 companies will represent Almaty in the finals.

So, the victory in the Almaty regional competition "The best goods of Kazakhstan-2016" won the following companies. The diplomas of the third degree in the nomination "The best industrial goods" got LLP "Almaty lift" and LLP "Kazmet Almaty", in the nomination "The best goods for the population" - "Company" Industrial complex "Aurora",  in the nomination “The Best food product" - LLP "Nazik and K", diplomas of the second degree in the nomination "The best industrial goods" went to JSC "Kelet", in the nomination "The best goods for the population" – LLP "Dosfarm", in the nomination "The best food product" - LLP "TsinKaz".

First place in the nomination "The best industrial goods" was rightly awarded to LLP "Corporation Saiman" - the leader in the domestic instrument industry. These are current transformers and LED lamps of the new generation. The company is proud of its employees, the majority of which - the authors of patents with many years of experience in conducting research works.

In the category "The Best food product" the honorary diploma of the first degree was awarded to JSC "Eurasian Foods Corporation". Winner of numerous awards for quality, Almaty company "Eurasian Foods Corporation" produces Kazakhstani favorite foods - butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sauces and dressings. The company operates on the basis of the oldest enterprises in the city - "Almaty Margarine Plant", which is more than half a century old. Today, the company provides products not only for Kazakhstan, but also to foreign countries. The diploma of the first degree in the nomination “The best goods for the population" received LLP "Sewing firm "Semiramide". One of the oldest enterprises of Kazakhstan sews top men's, women's, children's clothing, uniforms for security forces. All the participants of the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" received letters of merit.

The event ended with a concert performance of Kazakh pop stars and fashion show of Kazakhstani designers.

The first republican competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" was held in 2006 at the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Since then, for 10 years in a row, the best brands of domestic production are annually selected in Kazakhstan. The organizer of the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", with the support of akimat of Almaty. The anchor man of the event this year was the honored worker of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Abdullin gorgeous and charming Diana Kyrykbay. The organizer would like to thank the flower company "Radiant media groups". The company SAMIDEL from Astana sponsored apparel of the anchor woman and the model girls. Products of this company are now represented in all regions of Kazakhstan. It is worth noting, "Samidel" – is the first company, which began to use elements of tracery perforation in national motives.

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