
25 companies will represent Almaty in the competition "Altyn Sapa"

- City of Almaty
8513 просмотров

The expert commission has started to the process of selection of worthy candidates in the regions

In Almaty in full swing is selection of companies-nominees for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa". The Expert Commission includes the leadership of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, Office of Entrepreneurship and Industrial-Innovative Development of the city of Almaty, Department of the Committee of technical regulation and metrology of the city of Almaty, representatives of industry associations, independent auditors.

"The selection of candidates for the prize "Altyn Sapa" takes place in three stages. The first stage is reception of applications and selection at the level of regional chambers of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken", that is happening now. At the second stage, the applications are passed to the Expert Committee, formed at the level of NCE RK "Atameken". Further applications are submitted for the consideration of the Expert Commission of the Administration of the President with the participation of the first heads of the ministries and national associations. At each stage, participants are assigned points. The winner is determined, respectively, by the highest number of points", - said the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Lubov Alekseeva.

According to Alekseeva, this year 36 companies in Almaty filed applications to participate in the competition "Altyn Sapa", 25 of them have successfully passed the first round. 5 companies are involved in the competition for the first time. One of these brave ones, which considers itself worthy to possess such a worthy reward is LLP "Temirbeton". The plant is among the five leading productions, making reinforced concrete structures: capacity - 120 thousand cubic meters of ready-mix concrete per year.

"The company employs 437 people (73 – administrative staff, the rest - the  labor workers, including women). Market share - 17%. The geography of deliveries - Almaty and regions of Kazakhstan (by rail). The company participates in working groups according to GOST, standardization, it has its own laboratory. We are proud to be among the first in the country to use in the production concrete polycarboxylate instead of naphthalene. This experience we adopted from leading European manufacturers. The additive improves strength, adhesion, durability of products. We consider ourselves one of the best in the industry", - shared his view the general director of "Temirbeton" Askar Biskultanov.

To compete with the giant decided not to less experienced industry representative - LLP "Asphalt", which operates on the basis of the Soviet enterprise for more than half a century. The company created 730 jobs, it provides all social conditions: it has its own recreation are, dining room, medical center, laundry, studio.

"The equipment we have imported, 4 asphalt plant operate - 2 Russian, 2 Italian. But the raw materials are completely Kazakh. We buy tar in Shymkent, then we oxidize it and get the bitumen for the production of asphalt and asphalt concrete. Every year we produce about 830 thousand tons of asphalt concrete. We supply products to the southern regions of the country and provide our metropolis. In Almaty, the market share reaches 60% - our asphalt was used for the Eastern bypass road, almost all traffic intersections, streets and sidewalks, the route Almaty-Taldykorgan in the international project "Western Europe-Western China". Our products are characterized by quiet operation (we use small fractions of crushed stone), long life (10 year warranty), economy by applying a thin layer (the effect is achieved through a new type of asphalt PMA). In general, we are presenting serious competition to any opponent in the competition", - jokingly warned the technical director of LLP "Asphalt" Camille Supiev.

In addition to the appreciation of the President and the title of the best company in Kazakhstan, the winners can use for 4 years the logo "Altyn Sapa" for advertising purposes. During the year, the organizer – NCE RK "Atameken" - undertakes to provide information support to enterprises-winners. The business processes of the enterprise are recognized as a high standard and recommended for replication.

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