
We choose "The Best Product of Kazakhstan": LLP "Nazik"

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Winner of the regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016" in Almaty

LLP "NAZIK" – is the largest manufacturer of confectionery and culinary products in the market of Kazakhstan.

The history of the company began in 1991 with the opening of confectionery production of 5 persons. There have been developed formulations based on the principles of home-baked, which is of excellent taste.

After the pastry shop was opened meat-processing, a culinary workshop. At the same time there was created a network of brand shops and cafes.

The main advantage of product "NAZIK" – is a unique and traditional recipes, using high quality raw materials, modern equipment, highly qualified personnel.

Participation in local and international exhibitions has been repeatedly noted by awarding the Grand Prix, 34 gold and 7 silver medals.

As a result of the annual festival "Choice of the Year 2002", LLP “NAZIK" was declared the winner in the category "Confectionery number 1 in Kazakhstan".

The firm "NAZIK" was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of Akimat of Almaty "For contribution to the development of small and medium business", "For contribution to the development of industrial potential of the city of Almaty".

Meat processing plant of the company "NAZIK and K" produces high quality sausages and deli meats. Product quality is ensured by the use of chilled raw meat, which comes from farms and undergo strict veterinary control. The company uses only 100% natural spices that come from Germany.

The company "NAZIK K" offers customers a wide range of frozen convenience foods - your favorite ravioli, dumplings, dumplings, samosas, pasties and puff pastry.


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