
JANUARY: Entrepreneurial Code was adopted in Kazakhstan

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What does EC give to entrepreneurs?

On 1st of January 2016 came into force the Entrepreneurial Code, regulating the relationship of business and the Government. Entrepreneurial Code is needed for regulation and building of a system of relations between the entrepreneur and the state. The main goal of the Entrepreneurial Code - is not to establish responsibility, but determination of clear and understandable rules of the game that neither the entrepreneur nor the state break.

The EC addresses a wide range of issues: business involvement in rule-making; public private partnership; forms and means of government regulation, authorization and notification; state regulation of prices and tariffs; state control and supervision; state support of individual activities (agriculture, industrial innovation, investment), etc. There is a whole section dedicated to forms and means of protection of the rights of business entities.

Get acquainted with the rules of the Entrepreneurial Code here.

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