
June: The Center of Agricultural competences

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The Center of Agricultural Competences was created under NCE RK "Atameken", which aims to become the best extension service of the country in the field of agriculture

The main activity of the Center is organization of courses of professional development for agricultural entrepreneurs, development of training programs and methods aimed at teaching practical skills, application of advanced technologies by subjects of agro-industrial complex.

In addition, the Center performs the functions of provision of information and consultations to agribusiness entities, etc.

This year Center of Agricultural Competences within the frames of the execution of public tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture on provision of information support to agribusiness entities gratis held 666 seminars in 25 priority areas of agro-industrial complex on the basis of the country's leading farms, covering about 10 thousand subjects of agrarian and industrial complex.

More information can be found by going to the website

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