
More than 30 entrepreneurs from the Kyzylorda region applied to participate in the contest "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan"

- Kyzylorda Region
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More than 30 entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region applied for participation in the contest – exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan". A seminar on clarifying the rules of the contest of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Commodity of Kazakhstan" was held at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region. The seminar was attended by entrepreneurs from all areas of the region who showed interest in this event. Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium Business of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" - Abdikarimova Saltanat Zhaksylykovna and a representative of LLP "Intersert" Kim Victor, specializing in explaining the rules for conducting and assessing the republican contest- exhibition, arrived to this event in order to tell about the rules and explain the importance of the event. As it was noted by Saltanat Abdikarimova: "The peculiarity of the republican contest - exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" this year is that it is planned to hold the contest in August within the framework of "EXPO-2017". We want to draw the attention of foreign tourists and business people to our national commodity producers. So we hope that producers who come to the competition from all regions of our country will get an excellent opportunity to find partners and establish ties".

"The number of participants for the prize "Altyn Sapa" and the republican exhibition-contest "The Best Commodity of Kazakhstan" is increasing every year in our region. Today, our entrepreneurs have been convinced that they can find reliable partners, and therefore show great activity. For example, until today more than 30 entrepreneurs expressed their desire to participate in the regional competition, and until 1st of May, I think this figure will increase", - says Guldana Tanatova, an expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Traditionally, the contest "Altyn Sapa" and the republican contest exhibition "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" are held annually. NCE "Atameken" organizes this event this year for the third time. These contests are one of the grandiose events held in our country in support of domestic producers. Every year local producers of our region also participate in the republican contest and show good achievements. Only last year LLP "Syr Marzhany" – a participant from our region was nominated in the nomination "Іsker" of the republican contest-exhibition "The Best Commodity of Kazakhstan".

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