
"Altyn Sapa": LLP "Glass Fiber Pipe Plant"

- Mangistau Region
4765 просмотров

One of the industrial leaders of Mangistau region can win it

LLP "Glass Fiber Pipe Plant" is the leader in Kazakhstan in the production of high-pressure fiberglass pipes of various diameters, both for the oil and gas industry and for domestic needs, with working diameters from 63 to 500 mm.

The main advantages of fiberglass pipes to steel ones are: long life - up to 50 years, as well as 100% corrosion protection, resistance to chemically aggressive media and paraffin deposition, low weight of pipes and ease of installation.

The enterprise was established in November 2003 to meet the needs of JSC MMG in fiberglass pipes. More than 3 170 km of fiberglass pipes laid over 14 years of work at the Kalamkas, Zhetybai and other fields.

In turn, oil companies note the advantages of fiberglass pipes in comparison with steel pipes. The company applies the world standards API 15 and BS, they are one of the most stringent in the world, which guarantees high quality products. Acceptance tests are subjected to 100% of the plant's products, regardless of its type and operating pressure. Also, in accordance with the requirements of this standard, the laboratory has been certified at the plant to control input raw materials and finished fiberglass products. As part of the expansion of the company, a third workshop has been built with a capacity of 270,000 meters of fiberglass pipes per year. With the beginning of its work the productivity of the enterprise will increase 2 times, and the number of employees will increase by 20%.

P / S: The plant has repeatedly won the first and second places in the regional contests "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan" in the nomination "Goods for Production", and also took part in the contest "Altyn Sapa". We wish the leadership further prosperity and victory at the upcoming contest!

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