
JSC “Mangistaumunaigas” will take part in the contest "Altyn Sapa"

- Mangistau Region
8003 просмотров

On 6th of December will be held a contest for the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa"

Mangistau region in the nomination "The Best Enterprise for Production" is represented by companies: JSC "KasCor-Mashzavod", LLP "JV CASPI BITUM", LLP "Plant of Glass-Plastic Pipes" and JSC "Mangistaumunaigas".

JSC Mangistaumunaigas is an enterprise that initiated the rapid development of the oil industry in Mangistau. Today it is one of the largest oil and gas producing enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides over 31% of production in the region and 8% in the country.

As of 1st of January 2016, more than 235 million tons of "black gold" were mined from the depths of the company's fields since the beginning of the development. Mangistaumunaigas is developing 15 oil and gas fields with total initial reserves of 1124.671 million tons (8131 million barrels). The main industrial development sites are the Kalamkas and Zhetybai

The Kalamkas field has been under development since 1979. In its depths there are 13 productive horizons with total balance reserves of oil of about 638.7 million tons.

Industrial development of the Zhetybai deposit is carried out simultaneously with the exploitation of its satellite deposits, which include the Asar, East Zhetybai, South Zhetibai, Bekturly, Oymash, Burmash, Northern Karagiye, Alatube, Atambai-Sartube, Aschiagar, North Akkar, Airantakyr and Pridorozhnoye fields. The total balance reserves of the oil of the Zhetybai group of deposits are about 485.948 million tons.

Today, the annual level of oil production is about 6.285 million tons (45 million barrels). The enterprise successfully introduces new technologies into production, such as fracturing (hydrofracturing), pilot-industrial tests of water-gas impact (HVB) technology, polymer flooding.

In addition, JSC Mangistaumunaigas implements a number of major programs aimed at further development of the Mangistau infrastructure, rendering assistance to the population. For example, in 2002 in Aktau, the Ardager retail and entertainment center was put into operation, the plant producing and bottling drinking water with a capacity of 10 tons per hour, the construction of a desalination plant with a capacity of 40,000 cubic meters of water per day was completed.

In addition, the company takes a direct part in the restoration and restoration of historical monuments of antiquity. Archaeological work was carried out in the necropolis of Syrlytam and valuable archaeological finds were discovered, which are of great importance for studying the history of Kazakhstan and Mangistau.

To all the nominees of the contest "Altyn Sapa" we wish good luck and victory!

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