
Department of Trade and Export Policy

Department for development of small and medium-sized business - is a subdivision of NCE and reports to the Chairman of the Board. The Department cooperates with all state bodies and structural divisions of NCE on the development of small and medium business and trade issues.

The main tasks of the Department for development of small and medium businesses are:

1) information-analytical, organizational and documentary support of the two Committees: the Committee for Development of Small and Medium Business of the Presidium of NCE RK and Trade Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK;

2) development of a consolidated opinion (position) of business entities and associations (unions) to address key issues in the development of small and medium business and trade;

3) participation in the activities of NCE for representation, protection of rights and legal interests of small and medium business and trade;

4) participation in the organization of effective interaction between business entities and their associations (unions) with the state bodies, development of small and medium business and trade;

5) Promotion of creation of favorable legal, economic and social conditions for the implementation of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan for development of small and medium-sized business and trade.
