
NCE "Atameken" explores the mechanisms of development of entrepreneurship in the tourism industry

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How effective and transparent are domestic businessmen working in the tourism sector?

These and other issues were discussed at a working meeting of the NCE, which took place with the Deputy Chairman of the NCE RK "Atameken" Gulnar Kurbanbaeva.

In compliance with the state order of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NCE RK "Atameken" holds sectoral study of the mechanisms of development of business in the tourist industry in Kazakhstan across the republic. This study includes the analysis of business and analysis of effectiveness and transparency of state regulation of business in the tourist industry.

Part of the research is dedicated to the development of a model for management of tourism in the city of Astana, based on the analysis of international experience. To perform this operation, Metropolitan Tourism Association attracted a US company Gaining Edge. It was recommended by the International Association of marketing destination, which provides its services to the international leading convention and visitor bureaus (visitor information centers and centers of tourism management) of cities such as Berlin, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dubai, Edinburgh, Houston, Melbourne, Tokyo, Vancouver Cape Town and Bogota.

As it was noted by the expert of the American company Gaining Edge Milos Milovanovic, in order to develop an optimal model of tourism management in Astana , it is necessary to understand how interact with each other all the structures involved in the organization and implementation of tourist activity, as well as to determine budget requirements. According to him, the research is a very important tool that will help in the resolution of problematic issues, removing barriers and contradictions in the interests of the state, public institutions and business.

President of the Kazakhstan Tourist Association, chairman of the committee of the tourist industry NCE RK Rosa Asanbaeva noted that currently the establishment of a destination management organization, and convention and visitor bureau is a critical task. In addition, acting as an advisor to JSC  NC "Astana EXPO-2017", she talked about the main activities of the national company in promotion of the exhibition for visitors and tourists. According to her, these areas include the development of "portfolio" of tourism products for the "EXPO-2017", the development and implementation of the program “Recommended by EXPO”, placing information about Astana-EXPO-2017 in the world's leading tourist sites - and Trip -Advisor, training of  hotel staff, inventory of tourist routes, Work Shop at international tourist exhibitions (especially taking place in the target markets - Russia, China, Iran, Japan, India).

Head of the Department of Tourism Industry of the Ministry of Investment and Development Zh. Balgozhin drew attention to the need for active development of ethno-tourism as Kazakhstan's national brand, and promote this type of tourism in the framework of the Expo.

"Building a successful dialogue now, we are laying the foundation for further partnerships in the development of tourism in Astana, during and after the Expo", - summed up Deputy Chairman of the NCE RK "Atameken" Gulnar Kurbanbaeva.

According to her, there is already a common understanding and approaches, the desire to work in the right direction with enough information.

"It is necessary in the framework of sectoral studies to develop clear recommendations and to take the first practical steps", - concluded Gulnar Kurbanbaeva.

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