
To overcome the challenges of the modern reality with decency

- Atyrau Region
11533 просмотров

The message once again is a timely guide, denoting a concrete action plan in the context of the current time

This opinion was expressed by the deputy director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Erbol Kayranbaev.

It is worth noting that the whole team of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region was listening to the President's new Address to the Nation "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reforms, development".

According to Erbol Kayranbaev, the address doesn’t only show the Kazakhs the way out of the global economic crisis, but also shows the world community how to get out of the political crisis.

"For example, the Head of State, expressed his views on the situation between Russia and Turkey, he said that the two states, as friends and allies in this fight, have to find a common ground and not to spoil the relationships that were formed for many years. "I - a man who worked for many years in order to bring closer the positions of Russia and Turkey, to make them friendly, since the time of Prime Minister Demirel, starting with President Yeltsin. And all of this hard work over many years may come to nothing", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. I fully support this position of the President. Peace and harmony - are the main wealth of any state, the guarantor of its sustainable development. Therefore, they should be protected ", - said the representative of the Chamber.

In addition, the Erbol Kayranbaev separately identified aspects of the address, concerning the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

"We clearly see what a big role the President attributes to SMEs. Practically in all his statements,  he stressed support for SMEs, for example, free vocational education, such trades as a locksmith, a turner, a builder, a baker are very important for small business. I believe that it will significantly increase the number of small businesses, as well as raise its quality. The simplified bankruptcy procedure gives entrepreneurs further maneuvers to preserve jobs, assets, volumes. It will also allow business entities to correct mistakes and to breathe new life in same or in different projects. Taxes. President very accurately pointed out that raising taxes - is not a way out of a situation when there is a deficit of budget. The Government should not think of the increase in tax rates, the primary work of the Government and local government offices, including the Chamber, should be increase of SMEs. It is simple to raise taxes and thus to replenish the budget, but it is necessary to increase the number of SMEs, then the state budget will be naturally replenished", - said the deputy director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Erbol Kayranbaev.

According to him, privatization is the most important tool of today's realities.

"We have a lot of wealthy people in Kazakhstan. Most of them have earned their money with their knowledge, their work, they experience in business. They can select and privatize the property objects, which are now owned by the state", - he said.

Summing up, the deputy director of the regional Chamber expressed confidence that Kazakhstan, as always, supports the policy indicated by the Head of State, and therefore, Kazakhstan will be able to adequately overcome the challenges of the modern reality.

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