
Protection of business is in priority

- Mangistau Region
8667 просмотров

During 2015 legal experts of the Chamber of entrepreneurs considered 204 appeals

Out of these, 107 within the line of protection of the rights and lawful interests of business entities. 94 were positively resolved.

Deputy director of RCE on Legal Affairs Talgat Nogayev shared this information.

According to him, most entrepreneurs are addressing regarding land relations (45%) and with complaints on the actions of the local executive bodies. There were held 3 meetings of the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, during which were considered 16 applications of business that have complained about the actions of employees of Akimat.

There were revealed 20 administrative barriers during the reporting period. Experts prepared 110 expert opinions to normative legal acts of local executive bodies. As a result, 17 comments were made to draft laws, which were adopted and developed by Akimats.

Experts of the Chamber participated in 20 trials while protecting the rights and lawful interests of business entities. With the assistance of the Chamber there were protected rights of businesses in the amount of 366 586 716 tenge.

Talgat Nogayev gave several examples of successful resolved issues upon application of entrepreneurs. Company "Zhiger-Aktau" brought the claim against Zhanaozen city department of construction, accusing it of being an unscrupulous supplier and putting a fine in the amount of 5,278,358 tenge. The experts of the Chamber participated in the court trial and defend the interests of the partnership. According to the court, the claims of the state institution akimat of Zhanaozen were left unsatisfied.

There is another example, an application of LLP “West oil software” on the issue of land relations, which was considered at a meeting of the Land Commission with a positive conclusion. "LLP has developed a land project, which was approved by order of the head of the Mangistau regional department of land relations. After these procedures, the allocation of a land plot has been suspended. At the initiative of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau district, prosecutor's office carried out checks, the results of which were aimed at elimination of violations. After that, by the decision of akim of the Mangistau area the partnership received a plot of land ", - says Talgat Nogayev.

Another striking example of how we have been able to defend the rights of a businesswoman. IE D. Turalykova could not extend the lease of the land for several years and asked the Chamber to assist in the extension as well as in the provision of additional land adjacent to the main. "On our initiative, the Akimat of Aktau issued a decision on the extension of the lease of a land plot of ​​5.43 hectares until October 14 2025 for accommodation and operation of an asphalt-concrete plant in the industrial zone and granted an additional land plot of 0, 3654 hectares", - said the deputy director of RCE.

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