
There is water!

- Almaty Region
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The Branch of RCE in Koksu district resolved to problem with the delay of water supply

Land is the main source of profit for Elena Diadkova. Her farm "Nadezhda" is engaged in the cultivation of corn, barley and other members of field crops. This year, she nearly lost her only income. The fact is that earlier this year the company "KazVodHoz" refused to enter into a contract for the water supply with the farm due to the alleged debt to pay for the previous year. According to the businesswoman, she didn’t have a debt. As it turned out, in 2015 the parties signed an agreement on a five-time watering in the total amount of 20 185 tenge. However, during the season the water was supplied only twice, in this connection the farm paid 11,185 tenge. Since the used amount was paid, Elena Diadkova appealed to the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Koksu district to assist in resolving the problem. The same day, the director of the branch Marat Bakiev together with the district prosecutor went to RSE "KazVodHoz" to resolve the issue.

"After heated discussions and listened to all sides, RSE "KazVodHoz" signed a contract for the supply of irrigation water to the farm "Nadezhda", and on the same day the water was supplied to the main canal, supplying farms in five rural districts, which is more than 15 thousand hectares of irrigated land. Entrepreneurs were grateful for the efficiency and timely resolution of problems", - said the director of the branch M. Bakiev.

In addition, the Chamber decided to problem of the farm "Fedor", which also had a water supply problem. After successful negotiations with the water company, the supply was resumed.

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