
Milky rivers, cheese shores ...

- Pavlodar Region
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Experts of the Chamber helped to defend in court the interests of farmers of the Aksu district

Farm "Rakhmet" delivers to the consumers’ tables cheese "Adygeiski" and "Suluguni", oil, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, which immediately liked lovers of natural products.

Implementation of the business idea of Rustam Khalitov was made possible as a result of participation in the program "The development of single-industry towns". New cheese-maker has received a grant for the purchase of equipment for the production of dairy products. Using the funds he purchased necessary equipment and started a cheese factory in the village of Karakol. However, after some time, the local government bodies sued a peasant, basing their claims on downtime of cheese production.

The experts of the Chamber helped the farmer, who helped to challenge the decision of the court of appeal, on the grounds that the farm "Rakhmet" used the state grant in the amount of 2 500 000 tenge for the intended purpose. At some point the production facility was idle for several reasons, but now it is fully operational, and, moreover, the farmer increased production, thereby creating jobs for the villagers.

The farm sells its products at the social market in the town of Aksu, and adheres to the criteria: freshness, quality, price. The advantage of "Rahmet" is the minimum distance from the place of milking to cheese factories, and, accordingly, to the point of sale.

"In production we use only raw materials from our own farm, as the technology requires  fresh, almost hot, milk, to make the taste of the cheese special. In the winter months, the amount of milk should be reduced, respectively, production volumes should be reduced. In one of these periods, the inspection bodies came with an inspection, making immediate conclusions about the mini-dairy plant. Thanks to the experts of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, who stood at my side, I proved the invalidity of the claims", - said Rustam Khalitov.

In the long term the farmer plans to increase the range of cheeses. As the cheese-maker says, "Now we are offering consumers what is in demand. Surprisingly, butter is in particular demand, frankly, the demand is more than we currently produce", - says the farmer.

All products of the farm "Rakhmet" arrives on the tables of inhabitants of Aksu and the regional center. This means that consume fresh, tasty, and affordable products.

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