
Painless transition to Eurocodes

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Atameken urges to start learning how to design the Eurocodes right now. Only a few periodic fragments of information and materials on the work currently carried out by the sectoral authorized body are reflected in the mass media, which indicates a low awareness of potentially interested entrepreneurs.

The task of Atameken is to popularize the chosen course of reforming the regulatory framework in the construction industry. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" informs that it continues active work on attracting a wide range of business community to the course introduced by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of Eurocodes. As it is known, in accordance with the adopted Concept on reforming the regulatory framework for the construction sector, approved by Decree No. 1509 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by December 31, 2013 and the "100 Steps for Implementing Five Institutional Reforms" by the Nation's Plan - 49 steps, the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts the work on the introduction of the Eurocode system in place of obsolete building codes and rules.

 The Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept of Reforming the Normative Framework for the Construction Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 (hereinafter - the Plan) was approved. At a meeting held with the participation of the Head of State on November 24, 2016, it was entrusted to accelerate the abolition of the SNiP with the transition to the Eurocodes by 2020. In accordance with this plan, until the end of this year, Soviet SNiPs will be abolished - 186 units, developed before 1992 on general construction issues. One of the priority areas of this Plan is the organization of training, retraining of engineering and construction organizations, experts, teaching staff of higher education institutions, inspectors of GASK for the design and construction of facilities for the CR RK EN, as well as conducting explanatory work with subjects of construction activities on the application of CR RK EN.

"In order to ensure a" painless "transition to the Eurocodes, broad agitation of principles, risks, requirements with an orientation toward medium and small businesses, and not only builders or contractors, but also enterprises in the construction industry, as well as to prevent a possible slowdown in construction, Atameken, taking into account the presence of regional chambers of entrepreneurs (regions, districts) in 16 regions of the republic, MID RK expressed its readiness to assist in organizing the process of preparation and retraining of construction personnel for the development of the main objects of design regulations according to European standards (Eurocodes). The proposals can be sent to the Department of Construction", - explained Aspen Dosmaganova, director of the construction department of NCE RK “Atameken”. On the part of MID RK, the expressed initiative of the National chamber was expressed. "We made a proposal to develop and approve a joint detailed Action Plan for this area, create a hot telephone line, a consultation room, etc., since only 2 calendar years remained before the actual final transition to the Eurocodes. Today, together with MID RK and JSC KazNIISA, the content of this Plan is being worked out", - Aspena Dosmaganova said.

 Atameken also considers it necessary to present six developed design and estimate documents using the Eurocodes from the authorized body to the business community, to show in the comparative analysis the advantages or disadvantages, including the financial side of the issue. To date, 6 objects have already been designed on the basis of Eurocodes: - 2-storey hotel building (Almaty city, Kazakhstan Development Company LLP; 4-storey building of a kindergarten (Almaty, Falcon Petroleum LLP); - 30-storey and 24-storey buildings "Safia Tower Premium" (Shymkent) - cable cars, buildings and infrastructure facilities in the ski resort "Kok-Zhailau" (Almaty) - Islamic Center (Tekeli) - a multifunctional complex "Keruen-2" (Astana) .In this work, the NPP considers it appropriate to actively involve the Ministry as well Bani and Science to develop training programs in basic education, additional mandatory courses and etc. "In the near future, after working out the draft Action Plan with MID RK, a meeting with the participation of interested parties is planned to be held at the site of NCE", - Aspena Dosmaganova said. For reference: For the time being, developments are being applied in parallel with existing normative and technical documents. EN 1990 Eurocode: Fundamentals of building design -1 part EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Impact on structures - 10 parts EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of reinforced concrete structures - 4 parts EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - 20 parts EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of reinforced concrete constructions - 3 parts EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of wooden structures - 3 parts EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of stone structures of parts - 4 parts EN1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - 2 parts EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of seismic resistant structures - 6 parts EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminum structures - 5 parts. Total: 10 Eurocodes, 58 parts and 57 Appendices. All questions and proposals should be sent to Dosmaganova Aspene, Director of the Construction Department of NCE RK "Atameken", 8 (7182) 91-93-61 (ext. 1909).

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