
Nurlan Kuralov: Those who speak against WDC are far from production

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A single link of WDC will organize wholesale of food products for retail markets. The southern region is favorable for the cultivation of fruits and berries. LLP "Amangeldy" in the Kazygurt district is a large diversified economy of Southern Kazakhstan.

 "We are engaged in plant growing and cattle breeding. We now have 500 hectares of land developed gardens, it's apple trees, vineyards - all the fruit lines that grow in southern Kazakhstan ", - said the director of LLP" Amangeldy "Nurlan Kuralov. The agricultural producer with the experience, told about who will benefit from the creation of wholesale distribution centers. "The creation of WDC is very timely. There are a lot of intermediaries in the wholesale markets, the organized schemes do not allow peasants to sell goods at their price. As a result, it is several times more expensive to the consumer.

For example, onions that cost 30 tenge in SKR are sold for 80-90 tenge. A lot of questions about logistics, wholesale intermediary - all this is being quantified and the price goes up", - said the director of LLP "Amangeldy ".

Nurlan Kuralov believes that WDC will be profitable for the state, the agricultural producer and the consumer. "There is a lot of discussion, but definitely it needs to be introduced and legislated. There were a few comments and suggestions, I want WDC to be engaged in the futures form", - the farmer said. Futures (futures) is a derivative financial instrument, a standard fixed-term contract for the purchase and sale of a basic asset, at the conclusion of which the parties (the seller and the buyer) agree only on the price level and the delivery time. Nurlan Kuralov does not exclude public-private partnerships when creating WDC. "Local executive bodies should help WDC, because state money is involved.

WDC are opened so that there are no price jumps that create instability in the economy. If earlier potatoes cost 50 tenge, now - 150, tomorrow it may be 300. For society, these are negative phenomena", - the director of LLP "Amangeldy" believes. He stressed that many are asking why the state interferes in business, but in this case, the state should monitor the work WDC.

"If private business is involved, this will give a more responsible approach. When there is no master, always everything goes bad", - said the entrepreneur.

According to the project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at least 30% of WDC must be presented to local agricultural producers so that they can sell their goods themselves.

"If you go to any market, you will see that the middlemen have bought out their places and dictated their prices to agricultural producers. Therefore, the provision of seats in WDC will be helpful for them", - said Nurlan Kuralov. Also, the director of LLP "Amangeldy" supports the implementation of the trade and procurement business in cooperation with specific associations on the principle of self-organization.

"Branch Unions of potato growers, the dairy sector, are now becoming very strong. If they express their opinions, they need to be listened to. Their proposals should be given priority, because they form the whole "basket", - commented Nurlan Kuralov. He also commented on negative statements about WDC. "All statements against come from political scientists and economists, those who are far from production and trade. I think that this is a provocation, those markets that exist, do not want to surrender their positions. Therefore, they say that state money "goes to the wind".

In fact, it is very beneficial for an agricultural commodity producer, he will be confident in sale of goods, also people will buy the product at an affordable price. Of course, no one will work without profit. But it will be controlled by law", - the speaker concluded. NCE RK "Atameken" in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture RK initiated the creation of a single wholesale link in the form of WDC, where the wholesale trade of food products for retail markets, stores near the house, restaurants, cafes, hotels, etc. will be organized. Each regional center must have at least one similar wholesale center, which should serve as a point of entry of food flows into the city.

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