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Earlier, the Federal Customs Service of Russia has restricted passage of goods in transit using international system TIR, based on the UN Convention on the International Road Transport (TIR).

It is known that the actions of Russian customs authorities earlier severely effected Kazakh entrepreneurs, as road transport from EU passses in transit through the territory of the Russian Federation. Due to limitations in transit business carried substantial additional financial costs, delivery times disrupted the production, ancillary services were imposed on businesses by intermediaries.

National Chamber has repeatedly raised this issue with the Russian side both during the bilateral meetings and at the site of the Eurasian Economic Commission. After numerous calls and discussions NCE together with Russian business sent an appeal to the heads of the states, asking  to remove artificial administrative barriers erected by Russian customs for Kazakh road transport.

As a result, as we know, on February 25, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting at which he instructed the Russian government to ensure continuous action of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets.

"We are grateful for the great work done by the National Chamber of entrepreneurs in protecting the interests of our carriers. We hope that finally this problem will be resolved positively, and the Russian side will fulfill the international norms of TIR Convention ", - expressed his position the Secretary General of the Union of Road Carriers of Kazakhstan" KazATO " Theodore Kaplan.

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