
Steelmakers need attention

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Experts of "Atameken" insist on the expansion of state support to mining and metallurgical enterprises

The dissatisfaction with the implementation of measures of state support to the industry expressed the representatives of the mining industry at the meeting of the mining and metallurgical industries in the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was held with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Board Meiramkul Duzbaeva, Chairman of the Committee of Mines and Metallurgy of NCE RK Nikolai Radostovets, representatives of the industry.

Head of the Secretariat of the Committee of Mines and Metallurgy of NCE RK Marlen Sikhaev gave a brief report on implementation of state support measures, which were adopted in the framework of the "Action Plan on measures of support to industrial enterprises in January”. Let’s remind, the plan was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in January this year, and provides a set of systematic and targeted state support measures (providing raw materials, VAT refund, tariff and non-tariff regulation, etc.) for large industrial companies, including mining and metallurgical.

"The National Chamber of entrepreneurs on regular basis, monitors the implementation of the Plan through a survey of businesses in the field. This gives a more objective picture of its implementation. As you know, the "industry" plan contains 32 actions in the field of metallurgy. 21 of them are in the field of steel production and 11 for non-ferrous metallurgy. By the condition on 16th of June 2015 out of the 32 planned activities were executed 22, 10 are at the stage of execution ", - said the head of the Secretariat.

It should be noted that the mining and metallurgical enterprises, which got temporary reduction indices (TRI) to the services of the main rail network within the framework of the Plan, in view of the current state of the market, are unable to provide previously declared cargo volumes for the year. In this regard, the work is under way and soon will be adopted changes to the existing rules to allow greater flexibility to approach this issue.

"Given that most of the support measures in the plan has been executed, it is proposed to make additional proposals to resolve problematic issues pointed out by enterprises, the solution of which is possible in the next six months", - said Marlen Sikhaev.

Member of the mining and metallurgical industry of NCE Elena Papadopoulos briefed on progress made in amending the current Rules on approval of temporary reduction indices to tariffs of regulated services of the main rail network and rail.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "KIDI" Marat Idrisov informed about the work on the formation of the list of products of the industry, a priority for production in the Republic of Kazakhstan (namely, the list will be the basis for the provision of support measures). Members of the Committee noted the position of the participants about inappropriateness of narrowing the current list of priority goods and approval of their legal documents.

Member of the mining and metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan of NCE RK Vladimir Dvoretskiy said that the Association "Republican Union of Industrialists of secondary metallurgy" together with JSC "Kazvtorchermet" developed a draft program for the development of secondary metallurgy. In priority - creating industries of finished products with high added value in our country.

Chairman of the Committee of Mines and Metallurgy of NCE RK Nikolai Radostovets informed about the concept of the draft Code "On Subsoil Use". Also, according to the president of the Association of industrial geological organizations of Kazakhstan Galina Baimakhanova, the road map for the development of the geological industry is being currently developed.

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