
Not to care about old age

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The new provisions on mandatory pension payments for business is fraught with negative consequences

The introduction of the new quasi-funded pillar by establishing an additional 5% compulsory pension contributions for employers, is nothing but an attempt to establish a new hidden tax. This opinion was expressed today at the plenary session of the Mazhilis of the Parliament during the discussion of the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pension fund scheme", stated the deputy Azat Peruashev. The mazhilismen approved the bill on second reading and referred it to the Senate. But, according to Peruashev, it is important to calculate all the risks that may result in the introduction of such a rule.

Among the possible consequences the deputy named the possible occurrence of shadow wages payment schemes in Kazakhstan. In addition, Peruashev compared the introduction of a new provision on additional pension fund contributions to the introduction of an "additional tax burden on business” in a veiled form.

"The fact that it is a tax or a compulsory payment to the budget is proven by the proposed format on the use of funds from these mandatory additional pension fund contributions. For example, in case of non-payment of the whole amount to the pensioner, the accumulated amount is not inherited by the owner of a family, it goes to the state budget", - explained Azat Peruashev.

The mazhilisman is convinced that in this case, “it is a legislative swing from the purely defined contribution pension system, which begins with the pension reform, to a mixed system with the elements of the solidarity system”.

"But since we are talking about the new mandatory payments to the budget, such rules, as required by the law, must include calculations of their socio-economic impact. And the analysis of their impact in view of the risks should be provided prior to the entry into force of these rules", - says Azat Peruashev.

At the plenary session the deputy shared other concerns of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

"I would like to express the concern of the business community based on the talks about the plans to introduce a similar system to the health insurance fund. I say in advance that such beginnings, the repetition of such schemes, will raise serious doubts about the need to introduce them", - he said. According to Peruashev "it is better to build educated economic mechanisms to encourage business development and expansion of the tax base rather than “to shift additional costs on the business”.

This approach is fraught with increase of the cost of Kazakh products, and the reduction of budget revenues, especially in the conditions of accession to the WTO and the increasing competition within the EAEC, summed Peruashev.

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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