
What kind of concessions should domestic entrepreneurs wait for?

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There will be no selective front control, entrepreneurs will no longer be subject to endless checks

This was announced at the I Congress of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" by the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Natalia Korzhova, informing Kazakhstani business woman about the concession, which have been adopted by the fiscal authority in favor of entrepreneurs.

"If you are a bona fide taxpayer, if there are no questions to you, concerning the payment of budgetary allocations on the work performed, then no tax collector or auditor has right to come to you! If the figures vary widely, the fiscal authority should call or write you and suggest help to you. Only if there are any facts to be checked, using a risk management system, which we now introduce, the inspector has a right to come to you and you have the right to require registration of this inspection with the General Prosecutor's Office", - Natalia Korzhova explained in detail the conditions under which an inspection can be conducted.

The executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance briefed on the scrupulous legislative work, which the Finance Ministry executes in conjunction with the NCE and the Parliament.

"From January 1, 2015, we have introduced a long-awaited right for taxpayers to choose the voluntary liquidation of the business or a closure of the facility based on the conclusion of the audit organization", - said Natalia Korzhova, bringing attention to the fact that it is a great progress as many complaints from entrepreneurs have been accumulated on this issue.

The representative of the Finance Ministry also reported that in 2016 there will be implemented an electronic audit. However, it concerns meanwhile only big taxpayers.

She also said that for the provision of public services there was installed an electronic queue management system, which is very convenient for businesses, working in an electronic format.

"We have reduced by 57 percent the number of budget classification codes, and from 208 codes of budget classification we eliminated 119. It is, in fact, a great achievement for Kazakhstan, it indicates the budgetary and fiscal discipline", - said Natalia Korzhova.

Executive Secretary of the Finance Ministry also reported that for the convenience of the removal from the register of individual enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, there has been reduced the number of required documents from 7 to 4, which also facilitates the work.

"For individual entrepreneurs applying special tax regime on the basis of a simplified declaration, there was introduced the provision on exemption from the accounting", - added Natalia Korzhova.

As for the customs administration, then, according to a representative of the Ministry of Finance there was reduced the number of documents required for customs declaration (4 documents for import and 3 documents for export). You also have the possibility of declaring goods only in an electronic form without confirmation of supporting documents.

"We execute the customs control at the stage of clearance of goods solely on the basis of the recommendations of the risk management system. By means of the control through the web-portal the office of the taxpayer, we managed to move the focus of the customs control (definition of value, classification of goods, providing benefits) to the post-clearance stage. That is, post-clearance control is required, it should discipline us", - commented Natalia Korzhova.

Executive Secretary of the Finance Ministry also announced that there was introduced the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation, encouragement and good business, mutual openness and cooperation through the institution of an authorized economic operator.

At the same time Natalia Korzhova added that there was reduced the number of controlling bodies on the road border crossings, out of 5 services there are only 2 - border and customs. Transport, sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary and radiation monitoring will be carried out only by employees of the Ministry of Finance, the state control body.

The representative of the Ministry of Finance briefed on the main innovations of the draft law on public procurement. So, she said, there will be introduced an institute of a preliminary discussion of draft technical specifications.

The Ministry of Finance has also decided to suspend the conclusion of contracts for the period of appeal.

"It often happens that by the results of the tender the loser writes the complaint, and the winner at that time already enters into a contract. During the proceedings, lots of budget funds, received by the winner, are being wasted. Of course, business is worried, and we went to satisfy it. I think that would be the best first to analyze the case, and only then to enter into a contract with the winning company", - explained Natalia Korzhova.

There will also be introduced a provision on mutual control of potential suppliers by viewing applications and documents of other participants of the contest. According to her, only in Kazakhstan there is a state electronic platform, which this year was put into exploitation.

"By participating in the competition in an electronic format, you can not only see all the participants, but also mutually monitor each other", - explained the executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance, adding that there was also implemented an electronic format of concluding contracts.

Natalia Korzhova said that very soon there will be electronic accounts - invoices for goods, acts of performed works and services. In her view, this innovation will allow to get away from pseudo-entrepreneurship, and cashing in, as the entire process of purchase and sale will be carried out transparently.

In the near future, the Ministry of Finance plans to introduce electronic banking guarantees.

It is also proposed to endow the authorized body with the authority to incorporate potential suppliers in the register of unfair participants of procurement to introduce two new ways of public procurement (competition with prequalification system and electronic stores), and tighten the requirements for single-source procurement.

Natalia Korzhova that introduction of anti-dumping measures is an important measure, providing for the possibility of potential suppliers dumping prices when submitting or additional provision of further contract amounts, etc.

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