
The future is after robots and creativity

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The President instructed to create a new brand that would symbolize Kazakhstan on the example of China, Japan, South Korea

Kazakhstan needs not only large industrial projects and business ideas that would help our country to become more recognizable in the world. This idea was expressed several times by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at today national teleconference dedicated to the course of the implementation of government programs: "Nurly Zhol" and the industrial-innovative development of the country. The Government of Kazakhstan and personally the head of state will continue to create conditions for local and foreign investors, thanks to which will open new factories, workshops, there will be created new jobs. In particular, the continuation of the construction of new roads, in addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev urged the governors to closely monitor not only the employment of the population, but also to establish frequent inter-regional trade, and “not to sit on the goods, as the princes”.

However, the Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev reported that the finish of the first five-year period and the start of the second phase is undergoing “in very difficult conditions”. “Geopolitical challenges, the down surge of oil prices, the decline of economic growth in Russia and China has created quite a serious problem for the industry and the economy as a whole”, - said the minister. A decrease in the production of iron ore, due to lower demand from China. Falling growth in engineering by 30%, - he said. In addition, according to Issekeshev, at the beginning of 2015 out of “770 road map projects over 200 experienced difficulties with loading capacity, some had to temporarily suspend production”. “First of all - due to the depreciation of the Russian ruble and the decrease in domestic demand. For 5 months we managed to bring the stability of 135 projects. For the remaining companies the situation remains difficult, the work continues”, - says A. Issekeshev.

In this regard, the Head of State called on investors and businesses to rebuild their production. N. Nazarbayev proposed to focus on the existing facilities and to increase their productivity through "lean production system, the elements of robotics, automation, modernization of the production lines”. "The introduction of these innovation will cut jobs, the extra staff will be reduced, when robots come, a lot of today's jobs will simply disappear in the future”, - said the President of Kazakhstan. “As I always said, be prepared for the competition, now again I say to you all: be prepared for such a technological modernization", - added the head of state, reminding among other things, that Kazakhstan will enter the WTO in the nearest future.

Today the President of Kazakhstan was very honest in assessing the economic potential of the country. “Kazakhstan has always been a state, supplying raw materials. We supplied only raw materials and now, but at this period of time we realize that we cannot live on that”, - said N. Nazarbayev, making an accent on it. Currently, the new economic rise of the state is associated with the more active participation of small and medium-sized businesses in industrial projects. “That's industrialization, including the development of small and medium-sized businesses, a lot of middle class - that's what we need now”, - said the President.

Besides, Nursultan Nazarbayev raised the need of creation of a new brand for Kazakhstan, by the example of some countries. "Japan – the land of the rising sun. Korea – the country of morning freshness. Netherlands - the country of tulips, China – the Celestial Empire. We need this as well", - said Elbasy.

"Kazakhstan is a country of great steppes. Great Steppe, the eternal blue sky. The mixture of these inspired the design of our flag, which I made up. This is for all of you to know. Uniform colour, uniting our country. We are the children of the Great Steppe. We are not just nomads. Under this slogan, under a new brand, we must show the world a new Kazakhstan", - called on the President.

Nursultan Nazarbayev also gave the example of France, it won the world with their perfume and good wines, as well as Israel: “we eat their strawberries, even though the country is on the rocks and sand”. “The Japanese made Kazakhs to learn to eat raw fish, can you imagine?" - he said.

The Head of State called for "the young people to scan for things around the world and to create new inspired by the search”." By the way, the President concluded that Kazakhstan still has not learned to surprise the world. Speaking of which, the President shared his impressions of his recent trip to Milan for Expo 2015. The President Nursultan Nazarbayev took part in the opening of the Day of Kazakhstan at the exhibition. So, it turned out that visitors to our pavilion in Milan were impressed not only by Kazakh hospitality and cuisine, but also by the huge size of an aport apple demonstrated to the foreigners. "Our farmers showed an aport, weighing 600 grams and everyone around, inquired if it was a real one or a fake?" - shared his observations Elbasy.

Today, in a solemn ceremony, in the "online" format with the participation of the President of Kazakhstan were put into operation 10 new objects:

1. Production of aluminum extrusions LLP "Aluminium of Kazakhstan" / Almaty region

2. Production of polymer products. Launch of the petrochemical cluster in the Atyrau region.

3. Production of titanium sponges JSC "UKTMK" / EKO

4. Solar power plant at Burnoye with the capacity of 50 MW LLP "Burnoye Solar-1" / Zhambyl region

5. Reconstruction of blast furnace №3 JSC "Mittal Steel Temirtau" / Karaganda region

6. Shop for the production of milk and dairy products Company "Leader-2010" / Kostanay region

7. Railroad "Borzhakty - Ersai" JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy "/ Mangistau region

8. Production of agricultural, transport and municipal equipment LLC "KAZTEKHMASH" / NKO

9. Production of tractors in cooperation with the Korean company Daedong LLP "KAZ KIOTI" / SKO

10. Transport and logistics center in Astana JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"

The head of state was informed about the start of construction of the road section Uralsk – to the border of Russia and the completion of the construction of three dry cargo terminals in SEZ "Seaport Aktau". In addition, the President familiarized himself with the construction of 5 new infrastructure projects (under the program "Nurly Zhol").

These are:

1. Road interchange near the town of Kapchagay / Almaty region

2. The bridge, pass by of Pavlodar

3. The tunnel between SKO and Zhambyl region

4. Industrial Zone in South Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions

President of Kazakhstan visited the exhibition "Made in Kazakhstan". Nursultan Nazarbayev visited booths with products for more than 80 domestic companies.

 Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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