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The National Chamber "Atameken" will create a "Center for provision of orders (Contraction Center)" to help entrepreneurs

As part of the integration process of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the EAEU and the WTO, the issues of support of local manufacturers become more acute and urgent.

"In this regard, the National Chamber has taken the initiative of creating a “Center of provision of orders (Contraction Center)” for import substitution at the domestic market and support of domestic enterprises", - said Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

The Contraction Center will be engaged in the formation of the Unified Register of domestic producers, it will address the issues of the draft tender documents, examination of the technical specifications of the procured goods and services. The Center will also conduct the examination on the feasibility of budget projects, design and estimate documentation, work on large-scale projects implemented in Kazakhstan with a view to formulating the requirements of designers for the Kazakh products.

"The systematic, centralized action to increase the volume of procurement of domestic producers will create a balance of production and consumption of goods at the domestic market", - explained Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

As it was noted by the deputy chairman of NCE, the prerequisites for the creation of the Centre at the first stage can be the reached agreement with JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna "on the formation of a database of manufacturers in the development of the order of pre-qualification selection.

As it is well known, "Samruk-Kazyna" plans to attract the National Chamber in the work on updating the existing base of suppliers of goods, works and services of the Fund, containing information on 30,000 companies.

"Currently, the National Chamber has already formed the Register of domestic producers of building materials, which includes more than 400 manufacturers of building materials. The register was formed on the basis of the priority needs of construction for the Expo-2017 ", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

According to the deputy chairman of NCE, JSC “Baiterek Development” is involved in the work on the formation of the Registry. Currently, the National Chamber has received information about the use of building materials produced in Kazakhstan, included in the Unified Register, large contractors. Among them, LLP “Mega Plaza”, “Intergorstroy”, “Luxury Properties Group”, “BI Group Corporation”, “Malik”, “ISHEDO Energy”, “Southern bilding Group”, “Zhabdyktau”, “Tehnosnastka Remservis”, “SV Plus”, “Dorstroytrest”, “Rouland Service LTD”, “Project City Group” and others.

“The register is also used as part of the execution of the objectives of the program “Nurly Zhol”, “EXPO-2017” and other government programs”, - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

The work carried out by the National Chamber on the formation of the Register allows to learn about the initiatives of construction companies. For example, as it was reported by BI Group, the application was posted on the website for registration of suppliers of building materials for inclusion in the register and receipt of e-mails about tenders.

The National Chamber informs that provided data on domestic producers will be included in the Unified Register posted on the website of JSC “NADLoC”

Domestic producers can familiarize themselves with the questionnaire form for inclusion in the Unified Register below:

At present, all sectoral committees of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan set to the formation of the Unified Register.

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