
New opportunities for local entrepreneurs

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The representatives of regional chambers of entrepreneurs presented the preliminary results of the work of the Commission in the field of procurement of public and quasi-public sector

The total volume of planned procurement for the current year amounted to 3.8 trillion tenge, contracts worth 2.6 trillion tenge have been signed. Procurement Plan of a group of companies "Samruk-Kazyna" for 2016 amounted to 4.4 trillion tenge, actually contracts worth 2.7 trillion tenge have been signed.

It should be noted that at the meetings of the regional commissions with participation of representatives of akimats meet customers and potential suppliers, the domestic production is presented, the challenges that entrepreneurs face in procurement are being discussed, as well as ways of further cooperation in order to support local entrepreneurs. In total the regional commissions held more than 130 meetings with the discussion of problematic issues.

In the course of the work done by the regional commissions, they were encouraged to carry out procurement from domestic producers in quasi public sector worth over 153 billion tenge, in the field of public procurement - worth more than 228 billion tenge.

Among positive examples of promotion of the interests of local producers, we should note the work of the Commission in Almaty, covering the interests of 720 companies, including 495 domestic producers. There were revealed 68 cases of procurement of imported goods in the amount of 3.3 billion tenge in the presence of similar domestic products.  Assistance was provided to domestic producers with procurement of in the amount of 42 billion tenge, it is recommended to increase the share of Kazakh content to 80%, including in the construction industry - at least 70% energy and utilities - 85%, education - 80%, environment and agriculture - 80%.

In the East Kazakhstan region was introduced the practice of holding post tender control in construction. Working Commission recommends to general contractors to use goods of local producers in the construction of facilities. In the framework of the Commission on the website of the Office of construction of the regional akimat of East Kazakhstan region was posted the list of goods and services of the region with price offers of companies with constantly updated data. In this regard, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region has proposed to create a single national register of domestic producers of building materials with price offers to facilitate search of potential suppliers for customers. This practice will be implemented in all regions.

From the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region was received a proposal to merge on the basis of the regional map of existing information on suppliers of goods, works and services for each region.

During the meeting, Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov noted that, in general, work in the regions is adjusted, however it is necessary to strengthen the work in Akmola and West Kazakhstan regions.

According to Eldos Ramazanov, in addition to daily work with entrepreneurs, systemic issues are solved in the area of procurement. So, there was introduced the institution of independent industry experts, whose task will be to participate in the drafting of technical specifications for procurement in excess of 250 million tenge, conducted by the group of "Samruk-Kazyna" in the framework of implemented new procurement system.

Together with industry associations, the issue of exemptions from national treatment of goods, works and services to support domestic producers under the international obligations of EAEU, is being worked on.

We work on the practical implementation of integrated procurement information systems, procurement of quasi-public sector, procurement of subsoil users on-line on the basis of NCE to form a single data base of procurement, as well as a single classifier of goods, works and services. This integration will allow to monitor the procurement and pricing, to identify procurement with high risks of corruption violations.

The work on strengthening of the responsibility of officials in the procurement of quasi-public sector and improvement of transparency in procurement is on.

The work on the implementation of the industrial certificate by fixing it at the legislative level, as a document confirming the real status of the producers, is on.


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