
A labor dispute in the mirror of competitiveness

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In the period from 2011 to 2014 and during 2015 in Kazakhstan were registered 87 labor conflicts

Ministry of Health and Social Development carries out constant monitoring of the risks of social tensions in the labor sphere in order to tackle the challenges, to prevent, resolve and to settle labor disputes.

According to the results of the monitoring in the country in the period from 2011 to 2014 and during 2015 were registered 87 labor conflicts (in 2011 - 16 cases, in 2012 - 21, in 2013 - 28, in 2014 - 15 and over the reporting period of 2015 - 7).

The main causes of labor disputes are: workers' demands for higher wages, delayed payment of wages, reducing the number of workers and poor working conditions. The most frequent labor conflicts arise in the construction, oil and mining industries. Based on monitoring data, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, together with the executive authorities, forms the Map of labor conflicts in which working conditions are also monitored.

The results are considered almost on monthly basis at the meetings of the Republican tripartite commission on social partnership and regulation of social and labor relations (hereinafter - RTC) chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Berdibek Saparbayev.

In addition, the Ministry on regular basis is in correspondence with trade union organizations (health, education, culture, sports, mining industry) and employers to explain the methods of establishing wages to employees of organizations of private ownership in the regions (payment methods based on rotation schedule, working shifts, with a removable work in a time-based, etc.).

At the official website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development is carried out advocacy work on the methodology of wages, wage setting mechanisms, including wages and productivity.

The work on addressing labor challenges  is carried out in accordance with the Plan of measures to improve the performance of the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum until 2016.

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