
Knowledge of the law is an element of competition

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In June of this year, the regional departments of justice throughout Kazakhstan (including district ones) held 38 meetings with entrepreneurs

The main topic of the meetings was the coverage of registration of real estate and legal persons, intellectual property, contesting the rulings of judicial authorities, the reception of documents for the provision of services to public and business, provision of legal assistance to the population, improving the civil and legal awareness of the population, strengthening the relationship of the judiciary authorities and the formation of atmosphere of trust.

Since January 2015 the Departments of Justice, including the districts ones, publish materials in the media on issues of challenging the legality of actions and decisions of public authorities in relation to business. In Aktobe and Karaganda oblasts representatives of territorial bodies of Justice delivered reports on the radio. In Mangistau region were issued brochures “How to undergo state registration of immovable property in an electronic format”.

With the planned measures to improve the performance of the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum in 2015 on the indicator "The effectiveness of legislation in the contest of administrative regulation" is foreseen not only publication in the media, but the meetings with the individuals and legal entities on the appeal against the decisions, actions (inactions) of Justice authorities.

Currently, the provision of judicial services to individuals and legal entities under is executed mainly by territorial judicial bodies.

According to information provided by the Departments of Justice of regions, cities of republican status, capital, natural and legal persons apply to the judicial authorities, on matters within their competence, as well as on other issues. For example, within the campaigns “Consulting services, rendered by judicial authorities” and “Open Doors Day”, executed by the judicial authorities of Burlin district and the city of Uralsk, were raised questions of problem loans, the procedure of obtaining housing, illegal dismissal from work and others that do not fall within the competence of judicial authorities. However, these questions were answered and explanations were given, including where to seek for assistance in their solution.

During the meetings with individuals and legal entities were raised issues directly related to judicial authorities.

For example, the Department of Justice of Kostanai region in meetings with individuals and legal entities have been given an explanation on the removal of encumbrances and registration of real estate, on the reorganization of the legal entity with the tax debt, which was denied registration, contesting the right to the trademark.

Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region during the round clarified some issues of copyright and related rights.

Department of Justice of Karaganda region during the seminars clarified issues of registration of real estate in an electronic form.

Department of Justice of Zhambyl region during the seminars clarified questions of appealing the decisions, actions (inactions) of judicial authorities.

Department of Justice of Astana and Akmola region highlighted innovations in the field of registration of legal entities.

Department of Justice of Almaty held a briefing on "The dramatic changes in the current legislation, introduced to the activities of judicial authorities."

In general, the territorial bodies of Justice held a meeting with individuals and legal entities and publications on the activities of judicial authorities, how can they improve the level of legal awareness of citizens and subjects of private business and give answers to questions about the activities of judicial authorities.

On June 18 this year, the Ministry of Justice held a roundtable on the introduction of the concept “notary public-mediator” in the national legislation.

The round table was held with the participation of Members of Parliament Svetlana Romanov, judge of the Supreme Court Ulbolsyn Suleimenova, representatives of the notary publics and the legal community, as well as professional mediators. The purpose of the meeting - to discuss changes to the existing legislation "On Notary Public" in introducing mediation in notarial activities, the project stipulated by the CPC.

The round table recommended further development and study of international experience, particularly the experience of Germany.

One of the activities of judicial authorities are activities aimed at the detection and suppression of proliferation (including channels of) counterfeit goods

The customs register of intellectual property by the condition on June 19, 2015 includes 315 trade marks (88 owners) for 1466 names of goods.

On the basis of the customs registry of intellectual property rights for five months of 2015, the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee suspended the release of goods on 156 declarations for goods with signs of infringement of intellectual property for a total value of more than 3.3 million dollars.

During the reporting period, the judicial authorities (as of June 25, 2015.) carried out 58 inspections, revealing 48 offenses. During the audits were exempted 1164 copies of counterfeit goods in the amount of 3,437,206 tenge. There were instituted 48 cases on administrative offenses under Article 158 of the Administrative Code (unlawful use of a trademark, service mark, an appellation of origin or brand name).

The courts considered 40 administrative cases, 40 people were charged with administrative offence, there imposed fines in the amount of 208 100 tenge.

In addition, judicial authorities conducted 576 seminars, 398 round tables, published 343 articles, organized 172 performances on TV, radio, read 1712 lectures, conducted 179 public events of destruction of counterfeit products and other events.

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