
"Adem": what is the amount of damage?

- City of Almaty
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Entrepreneurs, whose property burnt at "Adem" were asked to determine the amount of damage ...

The theme of the regular meeting of the Discussion Club "Atameken", which was held at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, was the consequences of the disaster at the Trade Center "Adem". Let’s remind that on 27th of April 2015 in building of a market broke out a fire, which destroyed more than 1,600 boutiques with goods. According to unconfirmed data, the damage to dealers, tenants and subtenants of "Adem" amounted to about  200 million USD.

However, as of now it appears the true cause of the fire is not clear - the pre-trial investigation of the fire at "Ademu" was suspended. This was stated by Deputy Prosecutor of Zhetysu district - Dimas Shuykebaev. According to him, it is difficult to get an access to the building.

"The case was suspended for a while ... a forensic fire examination was appointed. The experts stated officially that it is impossible to get into commercial premises. The second and first floors are littered with metal constructions of the building. Any movement inside the building is quite dangerous, as the structure may collapse at any time... experts need special equipment to remove the rubble", - explained the representative of the district prosecutor's office.

The question of the participants of the discussion club on the timing of clearing the rubble, the prosecutor could not answer, as the procedure itself requires money for dismantling of the building. They are money, but the owner of the shopping center is looking for the cheapest offer.

"Currently, we collect offers of the companies that will carry out dismantling. So far we have only a few offers, because the work is not easy. Many large companies who are ready for it put a number of requirements. Therefore, we are now considering it. I hope in the near future we will have the information and we will provide it ", - said the representative of the owner of the burnt shopping center LLP "Almaty XXI Century" Daniyar Sarsembayev.

Given the fact that the building is in ruins and boutiques were burned, the amount of damage to businesses at trade centre "Adem" raises legitimate doubts.

"Based on the fact that 300-400 people have applied, we get 800 thousand tenge per person. That is, we all understand, boutiques at the shopping center "Adem", each of us had been there ... But 800 thousand - this is unrealistic, it is very small amount. Even if we will distribute 800 thousand, we get for 1300 affected entrepreneurs more than a billion tenge. This is not true. According to my calculations, on average, in each boutique there were goods, amounting to 100 thousand dollars. I know that the canteen suffered the damage of 2 million USD... So, we do not even have a real idea of ​​the amount of damage", - said during the debate economic commentator Denis Krivosheev.

The journalist also noted that we need to assess the impact of fire on the GDP generated by the southern capital. Accurate data, what part of this index was burned along with the market, akimat of Almaty never voiced.

"As I understand it, another factor has never been considered. I do not know why? Each entrepreneur bought a boutique, the average cost is 25 to 100 thousand dollars. Accordingly, the loss of 1 600 boutiques - equals? That's just money, flown away into the air, and that will not come back? "- inquired the expert.

According to him, the city authorities hide something.

"As long as you are thinking, and not convince each other that there is nothing to fear, and say how much you are really lost, nor prosecutors, nor NCE, nor we - the experts, no one can help you! Put yourself together! So that real amount of what people have lost will be declared. And the fact that all speak and read in the newspapers: "Well, it's 800 thousand tenge per person ?! They will survive ... ", - the expert addressed the pathetic speech to the fire victims. Speech by Denis Krivosheeva even caused a response in the form of a storm of applauses.

However, the lawyer Vasily Rezvan allegedly representing the interests of 300 victims of the fire, thinks he has sufficiently reliable data on the actual amount of damages as personally prepared a supplement to the claims of entrepreneurs, where the evidence gathered and presented.

"There have been 10 lawsuits and currently, according to the auditor, the activity of which is licensed, the average cost of the damage is from 10 to 50 million tenge. I have 50 to 300 claims, depending on the wishes of the victims", - he informed the members of the discussion club V. Rezvan.

Let’s remind that the issue of protection of "Adem" tenants rights is controlled by NCE RK "Atameken".

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