
Training seminars "Business Advisor"

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A businessman and an inventor of the hybrid wind turbine Zhanbulat Muzbaev is sure that his creation will break the way for mainstream consumers

At the seminars "Business Advisor", which conducts the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, the participants can see not only beginners but also experienced businessmen. They know better than anyone, what problems are encountered by entrepreneurs. Participants of the workshop were interested in wind turbines, which are successfully used in the household of Zhanbulat Muzbaev. It turned out that all the constructions were made by an entrepreneur himself.

- Tell us what prompted you to do wind turbines?

- It all started three years ago, when we bought the land and planted the first garden. It was necessary to create the infrastructure and conditions for workers. There was no electricity, no water. We have asked the local grid for electricity. It turned out to be expensive, as the nearest transformer station was 3 km. away. It was necessary to stretch the wires, to set the poles, to buy a high-voltage transformer, etc. Then we bought a Chinese-made wind turbine. But it has worked only for three months. The first hurricane broke the blades, and the unit broke into pieces. Then, at home studio, I made the wind turbine of my own design - as my my first profession is an engineer. Then I installed it at the farm, we have solved all the problems, not only with electricity but also with water - because this electricity runs deep and the pump delivers water.

And now, our farm successfully uses wind and solar energy for three years.

- So it's not just a wind turbines, it is a hybrid?

- Yes. And it is very convenient when there is no wind, the sun supplies power and vice versa.

- And you did not think of industrial production?

- When we were convinced that this construction is reliable and the technical characteristics are not inferior to foreign analogues, we decided to launch mass production of wind turbines for the needs of agriculture. Unlike their foreign analogues, our generators are adapted to operate even in the most severe climatic conditions. But most importantly, they are easily assembled and mounted on any roof, container or column! Made entirely of local materials.

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