
State procurements will become more honest?

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The Ministry of Finance promised fairer rules for bidders

In the near future in Kazakhstan, all public procurement contracts will be processed only in an electronic form. This was announced today at a briefing at SCC by Vice Minister of Finance Ruslan Beketayev. He reported on the new draft law in the field of public procurement, which is being prepared now. "This measure will allow us to keep track of the price, quantity and parameters on the basis of a certain database of prices", - said the vice minister.

The draft law provides rules to deal with the phenomenon of compliance of the tender documentation for a particular vendor. To solve this problem will be introduced an institute of preliminary discussion of technical specifications and standardization of tender documents for a limited range of standard procurements. In other words, businesses will be able to be aware of the technical specifications and, upon detection of binding to a specific and easily recognizable suppliers, to challenge them.

According to R. Beketaev, during the first half of 2015 on the basis of control measures there have been identified 95 instances when the technical specifications contained unreasonably excessive demands imposed on suppliers. 40 tenders were canceled, 9 concluded contracts were terminated and 84 persons were brought to administrative and disciplinary action.

The ministry also hopes that the new bill will minimize the facts of unjustified refusal on formal grounds. For this purpose was included a rule, prohibiting to reject bids on grounds not provided for in the protocol of pre-admission. The developers also offered an option that the participants of the public procurement can view each others tender documents and, consequently, to assess the reasons for the rejection of their applications, ensuring objective selection of the winner. Ruslan Beketayev noted that this year there revealed 58 cases, when the applications were rejected by commissions, the procurements were canceled and 166 officials were brought to account.

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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