
"Atameken" encourages business to participate in the development of a regional business map

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The National Chamber of entrepreneurs conducts a study, by the results of which will be determined the specialization of each region

In particular, "Atameken" plans to find out in which sectors of the economy it is possible and advisable to develop business in each region, as well as to find out what conditions must be created for those businesses at this moment of time.

In this regard, NCE, through its regional branches, conducts polls among businessmen and population in all regional centers, cities and districts, meets with representatives of the business circles, local authorities, financial institutions and economic development institutions in order to take interviews. The Chamber encourages all businesses to participate in the survey and to express their opinions, it can be done online in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​( there are links below). The information obtained will improve business conditions in each region of the country. This will create 16 regional maps of business development, which will determine:

• specialization of each region (including the potential) for business development;

• the conditions for development of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial capacity) and business in the region;

• active business entities;

• promising areas of business, taking into account hidden reserves and potential points of growth in the region.

As a result of all the work, there will be formed one common simple electronic map of regional business development, which will be generally available and include:

1. Overall Analysis and economic data for the region (including the basic conditions for the development of: infrastructure, human capital and access to finance - development programs and government support; markets of Kazakhstan and  border regions).

2. Description of the specialization of the 16 regions of Kazakhstan and future development directions (priorities).

3. Project initiatives (potential projects) by region, based on regional specialization, which will provide support under the current state of development.

"Our goal is, first of all, to analyze each region, to understand its historical specialization: that was produced in the region during the Soviet era, and why now not. Second of all, we study the characteristics of regions: what raw materials can be produced there, will it be in demand at the market ", - said the deputy chairman of NCE Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, during the preparation of the regional map of business development, the markets of neighboring countries were studies as well, such as: China, Russia, "to understand that it would be possible to produce or grow in order to supply them, and on the basis of this analysis, to understand on the basis of it, which business must be launched in a specific region". The deputy chairman of the Chamber stressed that the regional map of development will also be a tool for attracting foreign investments.

The research is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015.

For the convenience of business there is an electronic survey option:

• Application

• Survey of existing businesses

• A survey of potential entrepreneurs

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