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Ablay Myrzakhmetov commented on the causes of dissolution of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast

Speaking at an informal meeting with journalists and bloggers, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that NCE has a problem with the involvement of business in solution of problems, faced by the entire community.

"The task of involvement - is one of the objectives of the Chamber. The most important thing for us is that the business is involved in the activities of NCE ... I can say that during the existence of  "Atameken", a lot has been achieved, above all, in terms of human resources. It is clear that we had such problems, because it is not easy to start such a machine in a short term - everything was done "from wheels". But this year we have reached every district", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Head of  NCE reminded that earlier it was decided to postpone the election of the members of the regional councils for five years. "Now we can see for ourselves that we need the elections. Otherwise, we  can turn into a bureaucratic structure", - said A. Myrzakhmetov.

However, according to the head of the Chamber, we can observe an increasing business activity of businessmen, striving for active participation in decision making. An example is the recent sensation in the inner life of NCE - the decision on dissolution of the Regional Council (the body that coordinates and controls the activities of RCE) under the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast.

"We had a very serious concern about the effectiveness of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. The question about the effectiveness of the activities of the Council was pending for a long time. Members of the Council were going to the meetings less and less. Some often missed meetings of the Council ... In general, the work of the Council hardly had any results, although members of the board are very respected and honored people. I must admit that I have personally attempted to encourage them to be more efficient. I met with the representatives of the Chamber, and as a convenient way out offered to resign. And to form a new Board through the conduction of the elections, setting an example for other regions".

It was suggested to use an efficient techology "primaries": in the course of Internet voting to elect the best representatives of the regional business community.

As for regions, it is assumed that one representative from each district will be elected to each regional council. But each member will be elected! In this case, a member of Regional Council will be empowered by business community and will form the agenda based on the requests. Thus, the regional chamber will receive feedback, and activeness of the members of the board will not allow them to be led by local executive bodies in making unfavorable business decisions.

It was expected that Almaty will willingly accept these recommendations. But the members were inert. The subsequent events took place afterwards ...

"And then - I did not expect this! – the Regional Council of Almaty region takes independent decision to dissolve itself: out of 30 members, 27 voted to dissolve the current members and offered to take new, active people in its rears. This is a very good process, and I think it will evolve ... "- says Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

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