
Housing services and utilities: strictly by the rules

10076 просмотров

On the "Rules of implementation of program funding for installation of communal heat meters at the expense of  JSC "Development Fund for housing and communal services"

Pursuant to the request of the Head of State announced at the enlarged meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 11 October 2013 on installation of communal heat meters, JSC "Fund for the development of housing and communal services" has developed "rules of financing of installation of communal heat meters at the expense of  JSC " Development Fund for housing and communal services".

Currently, these rules were submitted to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" (read them here).

For the subjects of natural monopolies in the rules were determined criteria and procedure for the selection and identification of suppliers of heat meters.

The designed funding mechanism for installation of communal heat meters on a return basis, through the capitalization of  JSC "Development Fund for housing and communal services", is as follows:

  • Natural monopoly entity, supplying heat to the house, makes a request for funding to the JSC "Development Fund for housing and communal services";
  •  JSC "Fund for the development of housing and communal services" after a positive consideration of the application concludes with a natural monopoly a finance lease contract with an interest rate of 4% per annum and makes an advance payment to the supplier under the contract;
  • after delivery, installation and commissioning of the communal house heat meters, as well as after the submission of the cash collateral by the provider, JSC "Development Fund for housing and communal services” pays the provider the entire cost of the equipment;
  • on the basis of the contract (public), owners of premises (apartments) pay monthly contributions to the subjects of natural monopolies for communal power and heat meters (in a separate line in the payment document);
  • subjects of natural monopolies, transfer the funds received from the owners of premises (apartments) to the JSC "Development Fund for housing and communal services". Later, they will be reinvested on further installation of communal heat meters in other apartment buildings.

In accordance with the Regulations, a potential supplier shall comply with the approved technical specifications, applied for purchased goods and services for the supply of heat energy meters, as well as have experience of leasing the goods on the market for at least 36 months and have the supporting documents for the supply (installation) of heat meters for the last 36 months.

We would like to note that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" previously sent a corresponding letter to the developer about inappropriateness of the  requirement on work experience of not less than 36 months.

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