
We need to tighten the belts for 5-7 years

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The Government told how many years Kazakhstani residents will have to wait for better times

The next five to seven years, Kazakhstan will have to live in conditions of low commodity prices, produced in Kazakhstan. This was announced today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov.

"We believe that the next five to seven years, at least, and maybe more, we live in a different economic situation. We must get used to living in a different price situation, when oil prices are in a completely different category, 30-40-50 per barrel when the price of metals and other raw materials from Kazakhstan, they will be at a low level ", - said Massimov today on August 20 at the briefing.

Karim Massimov assured that "in these circumstances, of course, the state should react and make adjustments to the economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Zhanar Birlikkyzy

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